Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Cancer patients fall victim to chemo con

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In Today's Issue

17 August 2010

  • Unsightly hair gone in 50 seconds
  • Cancer patients fall victim to chemo con

  • New hope for pain sufferers


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Cancer Patients Fall Victim to Chemo Con

Dear Reader,

You know those movies where the bad guy is defeated, but then — AHHH! — he pops up and the mayhem starts all over again?

That's what happened with chemotherapy concession.

And if you don't know what chemotherapy concession is, prepare to be enraged twice — once for what it is, and again for its new lease on life at the expense of vulnerable cancer patients and their families.

When more is less

I call it "chemo con" because in many cases it's nothing less than a huge con.

Here's how it works...

In the US an oncologist purchases chemotherapy drugs directly from drug companies, then bills the patient's insurer.

Here's the catch: Oncologists typically get a deep discount off the 'retail price' of the drugs. Then they bill insurers for the 'retail price', which is sometimes more than 20 per cent higher than the amount paid by the doctor.

But that's not the con. In fact, this practice is completely legal in the US and considered a "concession" to offset oncologists' overheads. The con occurs when an oncologist uses a chemo drug that he knows will not be effective, or administers it to a patient he knows will get no benefit.

And that happens. A LOT.

A few years ago, an oncologist examined the medical records of almost 8,000 cancer patients. He found that in cases where chemo was given in the final six months of life, ONE- THIRD of the patients had cancers that are known to be unresponsive to chemotherapy.

Angry? Me too. But hold onto your hats. It gets worse.

In 2005, the Medicare Modernization Act in the US curbed chemo concession claims. Under the new plan, Medicare reimburses no more than 6 per cent over the average amount doctors pay for any individual chemo drug. (Of course, this has no effect at all on the billing for patients not covered by Medicare.)

Experts were concerned that this would result in less care for cancer patients who relied on Medicare.

Not to worry, fellas!

After the new rules took effect, the total number of Medicare claims for chemo treatments given within one month of diagnosis didn't drop, they increased by nearly 2.5 per cent. In addition, the use of less expensive chemo drugs declined, while the use of more expensive drugs increased.

In other words, crank up the chemo and keep those coffers full!

But those profits come with a sacrifice — a sacrifice by patients, that is.

No money back guarantee...

In a 2008 review of about 600 cases in which cancer patients died within 30 days of receiving chemo, 40 per cent experienced "significant poisoning" from their treatment, and about one-in-four deaths were accelerated or actually caused by the treatment.

Every cancer patient and their family needs to be aware of this chemo con. If a doctor prescribes chemo — especially in the very late stages — it's time to start asking as many questions as possible to make sure the con isn't on.

Continues below...

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...and another thing

I learn something new from our members just about every day. (Misspellings? Grammatical errors? Oh yeah, I hear about them.) But recently I learned about a couple of natural techniques for treating psoriasis.

Previously, I shared Angus's tip for treating psoriasis with milk thistle.

After I sent you that e-mail, I heard from two more of you...

Carol: "I had psoriasis and it is caused by a lack of fumaric acid in the system. Within 3 days I was back to normal after taking it."

Don: "You're missing one of the best natural cures for psoriasis, kukui nut oil from Hawaii. I had a bout of psoriasis a number of years ago, scratching until I bled. Ten days of topical application of kukui oil cleared it up completely...no recurrence."

Just one word of caution — psoriasis is an immune system disease. A treatment that works for one patient will not work for all patients.

To Your Good Health,

Jenny Thompson
HSI Director

P.S. This month's Health Sciences Institute (HSI) newsletter will tell you how a cutting-edge herbal formula can finally free you from chronic pain. You'll also discover how to put a stop to the misery of hair loss with a natural formula that can help you retain your hair from the inside out. Plus we'll give you full details about the breakthrough remedy that provides a vital defence against sun-related skin damage.

All new members who sign up to the Health Sciences Institute will receive the latest issue of HSI along with a FREE encyclopaedia, HSI's 100 Greatest Underground Cures... Soon you'll discover why our premium members believe HSI is the ultimate resource for anyone seeking a better, newer solution to their health problems. problems.

Click here for full details.

"How Medicare's Payment Cuts For Cancer Chemotherapy Drugs Changed Patterns Of Treatment" Health Affairs, Published online ahead of print 6/17/10, content.healthaffairs.org

"Medicare Cuts May Have Led Docs to Prescribe More Chemo" HealthDay News, 6/17/10, consumer.healthday.com

"Medicare Cuts Increase Cancer Treatments, Study Finds" David Cameron, Harvard press release, 6/17/10, hks.harvard.edu

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