Thursday, July 29, 2010

Big Pharma targets children with chewable statins

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In Today's Issue

29 July 2010

  • Critical heart nutrient sparks life and energy into every part of your body
  • Big Pharma targets children with chewable statins

  • 85% of cancers are entirely avoidable

Critical Heart Nutrient Sparks Life and Energy Into Every Part of Your Body

More than a 1000 published scientific papers in the last 50 years prove this substance not only prevents heart attacks and strokes by stopping cholesterol blocking arteries… BUT it also...

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Click here to discover every thing you need to know about this phenomenon.

Big Pharma Targets Children With Chewable Statins

Dear Reader,

Last week I told you about a major statin trial, which has been found to be biased and flawed. The controversy surrounding statins doesn't stop there...

Pfizer, the world largest pharmaceutical company and manufacturer of the world's top selling statin, Lipitor, is at the top of its game yet again.

This time they're going all out to target a brand new market: children.

Let's look at a few facts.

1. In 2009, your annual sales for Lipitor almost reached $1.3 billion.

2. The patent for Lipitor runs out in November 2011 and you need to boost revenue before the generic competition hits the market.

3. You introduce a chewable form of Lipitor for use in children.

Do you see what I see?

Yep, billions of extra dollars lining the pockets of this shameless and unscrupulous pharmaceutical company!!!

Soft target

Lipitor is already approved for children in the US (since 2002) but not yet as the EU-approved chewable type.

The fact that Lipitor's US patent expires at the end of November 2011, is the main motivation behind getting this drug out to as many people as possible, as soon as possible! Pfizer clearly leaves no stone unturned...

But it gets worse...

The EU and the US allow drug makers to ask for an additional six months of patent protection for medications if they test them on children. Children are generally excluded from drug studies before a new medication is approved.

Pfizer has already received their patent extension for Lipitor in the US and they plan to apply for a similar extension in European countries... Guess what? They'll probably get it because the law is on their side!

Now that's what I call an outrage – legislation exploiting children by allowing Big Pharma to test a potentially dangerous drug on them for the sake of extending a pharmaceutical patent!

Sly, underhand and invasive measures already being set in motion...

Oh, and how do you think they're going to 'harvest' their candidates for these trials?


Get doctors and researchers to call for universal school screening of children to check for high cholesterol. Once identified, put the child in a medical trial designed to test one of the most dangerous drugs on the market...

It's a fail-safe way to find candidates in 'most need of treatment', plus these school screenings will have a ripple effect... older siblings, parents and other family members can be pressured to get screened as well, which would uncover additional, previously undiagnosed adults in 'need' of the drug.

I am not dreaming this up.

US researchers from West Virginia University said that universal cholesterol screening among children will allow early diagnosis and appropriate treatment of children with high cholesterol, hopefully preventing arterial disease.

They added that the ripple effect of universal child screening "could lead to the prevention of premature cardiac events in adults that may have otherwise gone undiagnosed."

Voila! You have an ever-expanding market with endless possibilities.

Do you see how those extra six months could put several billion extra dollars in Pfizer's bank account?

How do these guys sleep at night?

Try a different approach

The over-prescription of statin drugs and the fact that these drugs have saturated the market over the past decade, is living proof of the marketing monster and corporate greed behind these drugs.

The fact remains that your body NEEDS cholesterol — it is important in the production of cell membranes, hormones, vitamin D and bile acids that help you to digest fat. Cholesterol also helps your brain form memories and is vital to your neurological function.

Too low levels of cholesterol can be as dangerous as having too high levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol.

There is strong evidence suggesting that too little cholesterol INCREASES your risk for cancer, memory loss, Parkinson's disease, hormonal imbalances, stroke, depression, suicide, and violent behaviour.

Truth is there's no reason to take statins and suffer their damaging health effects if you don't need to.

75 per cent of your body's cholesterol is produced by your liver, which is influenced by your insulin levels. Therefore, if you optimize your insulin level, you will automatically optimize your cholesterol.

That is why diet and lifestyle changes should be your main focus when it comes to safely regulating cholesterol levels:

* Eliminate or reduce refined carbohydrates and sugar in your diet which send your blood sugar levels sky rocketing out of control and leads to inflammation.

* Get plenty of high quality, animal-based omega 3 fats, such as krill oil.

* Other heart-healthy foods include olive oil, coconut and coconut oil, organic raw dairy products and eggs, avocados, raw nuts and seeds, and organic grass-fed meats.

* Exercise daily.

* Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol excessively.

* Be sure to get plenty of good, restorative sleep.

* Eat the right foods for your nutritional type. To find out more about what your nutritional type is and which diet to follow to best suit it, pick up a copy of the book Eat Right 4 Your Type by Peter D'Adamo and Catherine Whitney.

Continues below...

85% of Cancers are Entirely Avoidable

*** The World Health Organisation (WHO) has revealed that 85 per cent of adult cancers are entirely avoidable and, of these, around half are related to nutritional deficiencies in the Western diet.

*** A Brigham Young University study found that a combination of 30 minutes of cardio exercise a day along with a switch to a healthier diet dropped the participants' health risks for:

  • diabetes

  • cancer

  • and heart disease dramatically in just 6 weeks!

  • ..And that's just generally eating well...

    In this groundbreaking 267-page book, you will discover how adding the power of individual and specific foods to your diet can have a dramatic effect on your life and your health.

    ...and another thing

    We all know the 'secret' of successful weight-loss and keeping your weight down is to eat less and exercise more.

    It's not always easy though. That's why we've put together some tips to help you along the way:

    * Avoid unhealthy artificial sweeteners and synthetic fat substitutes.

    * Dietary pills and fat-burning aids are just stimulants- don't rely on them. The pounds will surely return once you've stopped taking them... Plus they have harmful side effects.

    * Build lean body mass. Strength training burns excess calories and influences the way your brain regulates hunger, making you less susceptible to food cravings.

    * Pay attention to the mental aspects of weight control. Use relaxation exercises - instead of food - to combat anxiety.

    * Accept the way you look. You may see your body as less than perfect, but it is still a beautiful and amazing mechanism.

    Until next time,

    Francois Lubbe
    UK Editor

    P.S. This month's Health Sciences Institute (HSI) newsletter will tell you about the astonishing nutrient that heralds a major breakthrough in the fight against Alzheimer's. You'll also discover the revolutionary new formula that helps tackle the cause of arthritis… it can even halve pain levels in some cases. Plus we'll give you full details about the ancient Chinese secret that helps banish wrinkles and rejuvenates your skin from the inside out.

    All new members who sign up to the Health Sciences Institute will receive the latest issue of HSI along with a FREE encyclopaedia, HSI's 100 Greatest Underground Cures... Soon you'll discover why our premium members believe HSI is the ultimate resource for anyone seeking a better, newer solution to their health problems.

    Click here for full details.

    'Targeted Lipid Screening in Kids Called Inadequate' published online 12.07.10,

    'Children Are Being Exploited to Extend Pharmaceutical Patents', published online 13.07.10,

    'Do YOU Take Any of These 11 Dangerous Cholesterol Drugs?' published online 20.06.10,

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