Monday, July 19, 2010

The shocking truth about cholesterol and CoQ10

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(images are being blocked) HSI e-Alert UK Edition

20 July 2010

Why 7 million people taking cholesterol drugs need to know this one crucial fact

Dear Reader,

Why don't doctors, surgeons, hospitals, drug companies - or anyone else in the mainstream medical industry - tell you the truth about cholesterol?

And why wouldn't they want you to know that cholesterol- lowering statin drugs come with a huge list of side-effects – including heart failure?

Or that 75% of folks who have heart attacks actually have NORMAL levels of cholesterol anyway?

Simple: Because when you don't take their drugs... or when you prevent disease or heal yourself naturally... they don't make a red cent!

Instead, they've made cholesterol the villain of the piece – in order to fuel a multi-billion pound anti-cholesterol industry...

.. when, in fact, cholesterol is the good guy and is essential for good heart health!

If you're worried about your cholesterol levels, find out the real truth about cholesterol here:

But perhaps even more crucial than this, they don't tell you that statins seriously deplete your body of Coenzyme-Q10 (CoQ10).

Why do you need to know this?

Well, CoQ10 is the vital heart nutrient that naturally PREVENTS heart attacks and strokes by stopping inflammation in your arteries, lowering blood pressure and rejuvenating heart cells.

But, by blocking the production of cholesterol in the liver, statins also block the production of CoQ10.

A Columbia University study found that CoQ10 levels were reduced by HALF after only 30 days of statin treatments.

The 7 million people who take statins need to know this, because CoQ10 is vital for producing muscular energy. And a lack of this nutrient can cause the heart (which is a muscle) to function improperly, resulting in heart failure.

However, very few doctors who prescribe cholesterol drugs make this known to their patients!

Researchers have also discovered that if your levels of CoQ10 drop by as much as 75%, then it's 'game over', I'm afraid.

And yet, by the time we reach 80 years old, our ability to produce CoQ10 has plummeted by 65% anyway . . . so just imagine what's going to happen if you're approaching 80 AND also taking statins!

But, did your doctor warn you about this...?

So, if you still believe you should be taking a statin drug, now you know that it is imperative for you to also supplement with CoQ10.

I've put together a special report on statins and the Great Cholesterol Con here. I recommend you read it or pass it on to anyone you know who takes statins:

What's more, I've included details of a new breakthrough in CoQ10 that's been described as the most stunning advance in natural medicine in the last 33 years. . .

It's a new form of CoQ10 discovered in Japan by Dr Tatsumasa Mae that delivers:

* 8 times more energy coursing through your veins
* 8 times more protection for your heart and arteries
* 8 times more anti-ageing benefits for your brain, skin, hair, eyes... and pretty much every other vital function in your body!

So if you, or anyone you care for, are taking statins - or being pressurized to do so - make sure you read the FULL facts here first... just in case you don't get to hear about them from your doctor or from your friendly neighbourhood drug company.

Yours in health,

Andrew Miller
Agora Health

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