Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Do the benefits of using statin drugs really outweigh the risks?

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In Today's Issue

28 July 2010

  • Get natural infection protection all year round
  • Do the benefits of using statin drugs really outweigh the risks?

  • Free report: How to read your body like a book

Get Natural Infection Protection All Year Round

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Do the Benefits of Using Statin Drugs Really Outweigh the Risks?

Dear Reader,

Here's a recent newspaper headline: "Statin Use Tied to Eye, Kidney, Liver Troubles".

And here's the insane sub-head: "But heart-healthy benefits of the cholesterol drugs outweigh these risks, experts say".

And I say those experts are little more than brainless parrots, screeching their memorized line: "Benefits outweigh the risks! Squawk!"

Reality check

Because here's the reality: If cholesterol-lowering statin drugs provided every user with a 100 per cent guarantee that they would never develop heart disease and never have a stroke or a heart attack, then and ONLY then would it make any sense to risk eye, kidney and liver troubles.

Why? Because these "troubles" are life-changing health issues, and some could easily kill you.

Now here's how that headline SHOULD have read: "Statins May Cause Cataracts."

In this new study that followed more than 2 million people for six years, researchers found that for every 10,000 women who were at high risk of heart disease and used statins, there were 271 fewer cases of heart disease. (It's important to note that heart disease is a broad term that describes everything from mild arrhythmias to full-blown heart attacks. So we're not even talking about a 3 per cent reduction in cardiac arrest.)

The study also found that among those same women, statin use was linked to more than 300 cases of cataracts.

So, are you okay with your cataract risk increasing MORE than your heart disease risk falls?

I realize you might answer yes to that question (I did at first). After all, cataracts don't kill. But then factor in these other risks revealed in the study: liver dysfunction, muscle damage, and acute kidney failure.

Yes sir, that's an AMAZING drug! If you're at high risk of heart disease it lowers your risk less than 3 per cent, while your risk increases for all these other problems that can severely cripple your health.

Tipping the balance

What this new study didn't catch — but other recent studies have — is that statin use also increases your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. So again, you have to ask: Is lowering heart disease risk worth the increased risk of type 2 diabetes (a condition that, of course, RAISES heart disease risk)?

And don't forget the evidence that statins also increase risk of memory loss and cognitive dysfunction in older patients.

Honestly, I want to shake these doctors and researchers and headline writers and shout, "Can you even HEAR what you're SAYING!?"

This study was published last month in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), which also carried an editorial co-authored by Dr. Alawi A. Alsheikh-Ali who described the study findings as "reassuring."

He also said: "The present analysis should not be used to scare off current statin users."

Well of COURSE NOT! Why in the world would you be scared off by cataracts, liver dysfunction, and acute kidney failure?

It's preposterous. What clear-thinking statin user could read these "reassuring" results and NOT be scared?

Continues below...

*Highly Recommended*

Free report: How to read your body like a book

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...and another thing

Your brain has a powerful craving. So go ahead — indulge.

A new review of vitamin D research reveals two reasons why the vitamin is so important to brain health: 1) Your brain is loaded with vitamin D receptors, and 2) Vitamin D interacts with proteins in the brain that are necessary for memory and motor control.

Could these factors also play a role in happiness and depression? Researchers don't know the answer to that one yet. But there's no question that plenty of vitamin D makes for a happy brain. And a brain deprived of D is likely to be depressed.

That's why a new study from the National Institute on Ageing is no surprise. Results show that people over the age of 65 who have low D levels are more likely to be depressed — a link that's slightly stronger in women than men.

And given that vitamin D deficiency is so common, it's also no surprise that depression is a widespread problem. But what did surprise me is just how widespread it is. The World Health Organization (WHO) ranks depression as the number one cause of disability in the world.

Not heart disease, not cancer, not dementia or diabetes — depression.

So, go out and soak up some vitamin D.

To Your Good Health,

Jenny Thompson
HSI Director

P.S. This month's Health Sciences Institute (HSI) newsletter will tell you about the astonishing nutrient that heralds a major breakthrough in the fight against Alzheimer's. You'll also discover the revolutionary new formula that helps tackle the cause of arthritis… it can even halve pain levels in some cases. Plus we'll give you full details about the ancient Chinese secret that helps banish wrinkles and rejuvenates your skin from the inside out.

All new members who sign up to the Health Sciences Institute will receive the latest issue of HSI along with a FREE encyclopaedia, HSI's 100 Greatest Underground Cures... Soon you'll discover why our premium members believe HSI is the ultimate resource for anyone seeking a better, newer solution to their health problems.

Click here for full details.

"Unintended Effects of Statins in Men and Women in England and Wales: Population Based cohort Study Using the OResearch Database" BMJ online, 5/20/10,

"Statin Use Tied to Eye, Kidney, Liver Troubles" Steven Reinberg, HealthDay News, 5/20/10,

"Not Enough Vitamin D May Boost Depression Risk" Stephen Daniells, NutraIngredients-USA, 5/14/10, nutraingredients-

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