| Inside today's special issue:
- How to claim a free copy of '17 Weight Loss Secrets the Industries NEVER Want You to Know' Click here: - PLUS: Wendy Churchill's top tips for dealing with the menopause, resolving personal grudges and keeping the brain working better... Dear Reader, Why do so many people in this country struggle to lose weight? While others stay slim while still eating crisps and pudding?
Author Wendy Churchill believes that after two decades of research, she's found some potentially life-changing and industry-shattering answers. From hundreds of interviews with successful and non- successful dieters, for example, she has highlighted the No.1 factor most likely to help 'dieters' lose weight and keep it off. She also reveals why the number one reason why people fail is exactly what's keeping a huge part of the weight loss industry in business.
You can find out these answers – plus 15 more secrets - in your free copy of '17 Weight Loss Secrets the Industries NEVER Want You to Know'. Including: Why medication and undiagnosed conditions could be the cause of unshiftable weight in a huge amount of cases.
How the weight loss industries feed and foster the key factor preventing many people from losing excess weight
Why snacking between meals will rev up your metabolism. Plus a metabolism booster that's even stronger
While Wendy's new full-length book is due out in the middle of the year, we have arranged for you to receive this short sneak preview for free today. Simply sign up to her brilliant free email, Life is a Bag of Revels, to receive a copy. Get it here:
Information that really can change your life So what exactly can Life is a Bag of Revels do for you? Many things! In fact, Wendy covers so many excellent and important topics – including health, money, psychology and personal philosophy – it's probably easier to show you what she does with a few examples.
Here are some of the best bits and pieces I've put together from some of this year's emails:
Don't let any disagreements fester. Two useful tips for resolving disputes:
Firstly, during disagreements, try to avoid using the words 'always' and 'never' or starting sentences with 'You'. By starting sentences with 'You', you sound like you are accusing and nobody likes to be accused. By using sentences like "You never listen to what I say' the conversation then moves off the situation at hand and just leaves the accused feeling that they need to defend themselves in general.
Secondly, whenever there's a conflict or disagreement that needs resolving, suggest to the other person that you try this method for effective resolution. Instead of both of you talking and talking, you each get a chance to sum up how you feel in three sentences. This method stops you from getting wound up and makes you focus on what matters. Most people will stop listening to what the other has to say after three sentences anyway.
4 tips for keeping the old brain matter fitter Avoid dehydration. The brain is made up of 80% water so even low dehydration can lead to a decrease in brain function. Make sure you drink enough liquid – preferably water. Be aware that excessive alcohol and caffeine consumption can lead to dehydration. They can also reduce blood flow to the brain. Vitamin D is believed to be an important vitamin for supporting cognitive function and mood stability, especially in older people. The best source is sunshine. Salmon, sardines and cod are the best sources from food. Supplements are recommended during the winter. Don't overdo sugar. Aside from the many long-term health problems associated with eating too much sugar, eating sugar can also impair your ability to concentrate and think in the short-term. Avoid sugary snacks if you're doing something where a lot of brain power is required! Eat more magnesium-rich foods. New research findings released at the beginning of the year suggests that higher levels of magnesium could improve both learning and memory abilities in both the young and old and slow deterioration. The research was carried out on rats by Professor Guosong Liu, Director of the Center for Learning and Memory at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China.
"We found that increased brain magnesium enhanced many different forms of learning and memory in both young and aged rats," says Dr. Liu.
The authors also note that the control rats in this study had a normal diet which is widely accepted to contain a sufficient amount of magnesium, and that the observed effects were due to elevation of magnesium to levels higher than provided by a normal diet.
Spinach and soya beans are good sources as are nuts, especially almonds and cashews. Brown bread is much better than white as the magnesium is in the germ and bran.
Make sure you're claiming all the benefits you're entitled to. That's what you paid your taxes for. The main unclaimed disability benefit, for example, is Attendance Allowance, sometimes referred to as AA, which is a tax-free benefit for people aged 65 or over who need help with personal care because they are physically or mentally disabled. For carers there is the Carer's Allowance which is a taxable benefit to help people who look after someone who is disabled. You do not have to be related to, or live with, the person that you care for. Already missing the hot and happy days of summer? Take some comfort in the words of British poet Anne Bradstreet (1612-1672)
"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome."
Many people find the herb maca for menopause BETTER than HRT This month, Wendy has been again singing the praises of maca for the menopause, for libido and for energy – after readers wrote in to say what great success they'd had with it.
Irene, for example, wrote to say she tried maca on her recommendation last May and it has almost eradicated symptoms that were making her life miserable.
"I now only have a few minor hot flushes every day which are nothing I can't cope with. My mood is good and I have enough energy to continue my full time and part time job as well as run a business from home. I have given any number of my friends Maca to try for their symptoms and with very few exceptions it has helped enormously."
Reader, Marie told her: "I have been taking maca now for a couple of years and agree totally about all the benefits it has . I will be 6o this year and found maca great for me. I am full of energy, and I have no worries taking it which I would do if I was on hrt which I am not and never have been and never intend to... Also the supplier you mention is the one I use and they are the best."
To join Life is a Bag of Revels and received Wendy's brilliant weekly emails as well as the free weight loss report, simply click on the link below. Sign up for Life is a Bag of Revels and receive your free report.
Until next time,
Rachael Linkie Editor Health Sciences Institute
P.S. Here's what just some of Wendy's loyal fans have had to say about the service:
"I suffer with depression and have had some shall we say real down days where I have even felt suicidal sometimes but I just read some of your comments, anecdotes or some information even if it not relevant to me and somehow psychologically it has an uplifting effect and the light flickers at the end of the tunnel to show the way forward again.
Thank you for all the hard work you put in to making peoples life more bearable and enjoyable and rewarding." Chris
"Very well written with sincerity and a great insight into human nature and its needs. Always a joy to read." Anon "You always seem to hit the nail on the head with your wonderful life observations, wise advice and sense of empathy. I have printed out various of your e-mails and have them on the wall by my laptop so I can remind myself what I should be doing a la Wendy Churchill !!" Diana
"I just want to thank you for your mails; the contents of which are very enriching and educative especially since they concern almost every subject and area of life. I just can't wait to have another mail. I am happy I discovered your site. I also will try to see previous mails. God bless you."
Life is a Bag of Revels makes my day and makes me realise that in this world there are people like you who have become life coaches.
I always wanted to find someone who is doing what you are doing and it makes me not feel alone, support in a way which probably you can never imagine." Victor "I have found so much inspiration and comfort in your words through the highs and lows. You have such a focused and realistic outlook on life and your e-mails put a friendly arm around my shoulders at times and say to me things which I find revitalizing, thoughtful and sometimes downright funny. Many thanks and take care." John
"I find your messages very thought provoking. I love to read them and they give me inspiration and confidence. Subjects we can all relate to and such logical thinking makes me look at things from a new angle... Take care and I look forwards to your next newsletter." Julie Customer reference number: 000052221104 You are receiving this email because you have given us permission to contact you. Agora Health Limited presents information and research which is believed to be reliable, but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. All material in this email alert is provided for information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this email alert; instead readers should consult their family doctor and other qualified health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The information and opinions provided in this email alert are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgement available to the authors. Readers who fail to consult with appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. Want more?
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