Monday, May 16, 2011

About Low Carb Diets: Dreamfields Pasta

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Low Carb Diets

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From Laura Dolson, your Guide to Low Carb Diets
Many low-carbers would love to find a good-tasting, genuinely low-carb pasta. Dreamfields makes this claim, but is it accurate? I've received lots of varied reports about this pasta over the years, so I set out to see what I could learn. Also, check out the videos of Tom Naughton and Dana Capender's low-carb science presentations, and the other info I've linked to this week. Have a great one - Laura

Dreamfields Pasta - Is it Really Low-Carb?
I've talked with a scientist from Dreamfields who explained about how they test the pasta. Then I communicated with one who did a study published in Diabetes Care which showed very different results from Dreamfields' claims. What are we to make of these wild differences? It's hard to say, but I take a stab at it. And I have important information about using Dreamfields pasta if you decide to try it.

Have Some Comedy With Your Science
Two of the presentations from the Low-Carb Cruise are on the Web. Comedian Tom Naughton and cookbook author and witty person Dana Carpender both have their unique blends of science and humor - highly recommended. I also include some exciting news about next year's cruise.

Harvard Says to End the Low-Fat Myth!
A panel of Harvard nutrition experts encouraged dieticians and professionals from the food industry to "end the low-fat myth". How quickly can the Titanic turn and head in the opposite direction? The answer is depressing, but it CAN turn!

Alcoholic Beverages on a Low-Carb Diet
What is the place of alcohol in a low-carb diet? Here's what you need to know to make wise decisions.
See More About:  low carb alcoholic beverages  wine  beer


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This newsletter is written by:
Laura Dolson
Low Carb Diets Guide
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