Monday, May 16, 2011

About Stress Management: Meditation For The Masses

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From Elizabeth Scott, M.S., your Guide to Stress Management
May is National Meditation Month, which makes it the perfect time to start a meditation practice if you haven't already, or try some new meditation techniques if you're already established in meditation. Because meditation brings some wonderful health benefits as well as short-term and long-term stress relief, it's truly worthwhile to start a meditation practice, beginning today. The following are resources that can get you started, help you along, and provide trouble-shooting tips for bumps in the road you may find along the way. Give it a try, and have a wonderful week! -Elizabeth

Meditation for the Masses
I'm a big fan of meditation, both as a technique to recommend to readers and clients, and as a personal practice for stress relief, so I'm happy to publicize that meditation has its own month. But some may ask, 'Why meditation? And why nudge people into it?' Find out more about the benefits of meditation, and how to get started, and you just may find yourself nudging your friends toward it as well!

Types of Meditation to Try
There are almost as many different ways to meditate as there are people who meditate, but techniques fall into main categories. Here are some popular meditation techniques that have brought peace to many people.

Meditation Challenges--How To Get Past Them
Meditation can be a little more challenging for some people than for others. While it is a stress relief technique that is available to everyone, if you're having some issues with meditation, the following resources can help:

Find Other Stress Relief Techniques That Work For You!
Meditation is a fantastic technique that works very well, but there are many more ways to relieve stress. And while there are many great stress relievers available, but not every one is a good match for every personality. This stress reliever personality quiz evaluates different aspects of your personality, including your strengths, weaknesses and tastes, and points you to the best stress relievers for your particular personality traits, making it easier for you to find--and stay with--healthy new stress relief habits.


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This newsletter is written by:
Elizabeth Scott, M.S.
Stress Management Guide
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