Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Why surgery should be a last resort for type 2 diabetics

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12 April 2011

UK Edition

Dear Reader,

Here's an idea: Bariatric surgery (gastric bypass surgery) for everyone!

Well, okay, maybe not for everyone, exactly, but for all people with type 2 diabetes. Which is still a pretty shocking prospect.

A group of US researchers at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Centre have started a clinical trial testing whether surgery is the best medical treatment for controlling type 2 diabetes.

Yep, you read that right — gastric bypass surgery, until now reserved for severely obese patients, may soon be the go-to treatment for overweight (which doesn't take much, really) and mildly obese people. For the trial, fifty people will be randomized to receive one of two treatments — surgery, or "traditional" therapy with lifestyle modification.

If the researchers like what they see, millions of people could go under the knife for "diabetes surgery."

You know, it's really amazing to me that the mainstream would invest so much time and energy — not to mention willingly subject people to numerous serious risks — in investigating such drastic "solutions" to chronic illness and disease when there are so many simple, safe, and EFFECTIVE natural ways to conquer them. (I know, I know, follow the money...but please allow me my musings here.)

Regular readers of Nutrition and Healing will know there is a slew of possible answers for diabetes management, including substances as common as cinnamon.

We have to fight for doctors to put natural treatments first. To go for simple and safe, to focus on diet and nutrients and whole-body wellness over knives and patent medicines.

But until the mainstream is willing to, for example, try out a cinnamon regimen before going for broke with surgery and pills and... here's a thought... actually WORK with the patient to find what's right for that particular patient, we're going to keep running in circles.

I'll never forget what happened when one of my best friends cured what she'd always thought was rheumatoid arthritis by eliminating gluten from her diet. She'd been on five prescription drugs, and some of them had some pretty scary side effects. The very first day of her gluten-free diet was miraculous — she stopped taking the drugs and has never looked back.

Exciting, yes. But what really makes it unforgettable is how her mother's doctor responded when she went to him wondering if going gluten-free might work for her (after all, it's a genetic thing). She'd suffered from rheumatoid arthritis for most of her life, and the prescription drugs she took to manage it had landed her in the hospital with life- threatening infections a couple of times.

Face-to-face with this woman who had been in pain for so long, as a result of both the arthritis and the drugs he'd prescribed to her, the doctor didn't bat an eye. "Oh, yeah," he mused. "I heard a while back that can work really well for some people."

I often think of this a little sadly. I mean, I'm so glad she finally found, through her daughter's research and experience, a solution to her life-long pain (going gluten free happily worked for mother as well as daughter).

But I wonder how different her life might have been if her doctor, upon learning about the ways in which coeliac disease and gluten intolerance can ravage some people's bodies, had said, "Hey, I have an idea about something we can try..." instead of picking up that prescription pad.

Continues below...

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Teenage arthritis?

Q: My son is 14. He's been telling me for the past month that his knee hurts. He hasn't fallen or been injured. I've been giving him painkillers, but I hate to give them to him for so long. What can I do? Could it be arthritis? Isn't he too young for that?

Dr. Jonathan V. Wright: When knee pain occurs in children between the ages of 10 and 15, it's not typically arthritis. Instead, it's usually a condition called Osgood Schlatter's disease, which is characterized by a tender swelling an inch or two below the kneecap, right over the front and top of the tibial bone.

Most paediatricians will tell you that there's nothing to do except take aspirin and wait for it to go away. But that can take a year or more, and in the meantime, the child has to sit on the sidelines and watch his classmates play during their lunch hour.

But there's a better solution: 250 micrograms of selenium and 400 IU of vitamin E as mixed tocopherols will usually get rid of the pain in just four to six weeks. I'm not sure why most paediatricians haven't heard of this simple technique, but I've been writing about it since 1979.

Of course, as always, it's best to speak with a doctor skilled in nutritional and natural medicine before starting yourself or anyone in your family on a new supplement regimen.
Bear in mind we are not addressing anyone's personal situation and you should rely on this for informational purposes only. Please consult with your own doctor before acting on any recommendations contained herein.

Wishing you the best of health,

Andrew Miller
UK Editor
Nutrition and Healing

P.S. In the latest issue of Nutrition & Healing, Dr Jonathan V. Wright will tell you about the simple eclampsia elimination programme – and the cover-up that's killing tens of thousands each year. Also, learn how much Resveratrol you should take to get the maximum benefits from this super-antioxidant... plus much, much more...

All new members who sign up will receive important updates like these in addition to receiving Dr. Wright's 7 Volume Library of Natural Healing.

Click here for full details.


"Clinical Trial Will Test Whether Surgery Is the Best Option for Type 2 Diabetes, Even for Patients Who Aren't Obese," Newswise (newswise.com)

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