| 20 October 2011 UK Edition | Dear Reader, It used to be that doctors and pharmacists were automatic entries on the "People You Can Trust" list.
You'd walk into your doctor's surgery or up to the counter at the pharmacy, and a friendly gentleman in a white coat would dole out the medicine and offer advice to help speed up your recovery.
But is that trust of medical professionals slowly dwindling, considering the numerous stories of scams and swindles in the past few years?
The latest is a criminal charge against four doctors, one psychologist, and 12 pharmacists who worked with 26 pharmacies in committing healthcare fraud. This enterprising group charged private medical insurers for drugs that were prescribed illegally. It is claimed that since January 2009 the pharmacies distributed over six million doses of medication and billed insurance companies for multiple millions of dollars.
The ringleader of the scheme allegedly bribed doctors to write unnecessary prescriptions for patients who were also in on the scam. None of the doctors involved has yet pleaded either their guilt or innocence, but I'd guess their futures aren't so bright.
Now, I know that the vast majority of doctors operate with the best interest of their patients as the top priority. But we're dealing with a broken system here — one that is becoming increasingly fuelled by greed (not to mention fulfilling the interests of Big Pharma corporations over the interest of truly making people healthy).
With stories like these, it's no wonder so many of us have absolutely no interest in setting foot in a mainstream doctor's surgery or pharmacy. Especially since we really don't have to.
As natural medicine becomes more and more accessible, you don't need to be at the mercy of shoddy doctors and shifty pharmacists.
Even though you may initially lose weight fast by following popular diets, the weight just piles back on the minute you start eating normally again... It simply isn't natural (let alone fun!) to live this way. Read here why diets don't work and get your hands on the report the diet industry doesn't want you to see... Keep it conventional Q: I want to go organic, but I don't know if my budget can handle it. Are there some fruits and veggies for which I can keep going conventional?
Dr Jonathan V. Wright: Several years ago, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) examined pesticide levels of various produce items, and found that many items sold in supermarkets have unacceptable levels of contamination. It's definitely in your best interest to try to switch to organic versions of these highly contaminated produce items.
However, there are some fruits and vegetables that didn't rank as high on the pesticide scale. These items are ones that are likely safe to eat simply after a thorough washing. The list of the produce that had the lowest levels of pesticides when tested included: • Asparagus • Avocados • Bananas • Broccoli • Cauliflower • Corn (sweet) • Kiwi • Mangos • Onions • Papaya • Pineapples • Peas (sweet) Bear in mind we are not addressing anyone's personal situation and you should rely on this for informational purposes only. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein. Wishing you the best of health, Andrew Miller UK Editor Nutrition and Healing P.S. In the latest issue of Nutrition & Healing, Dr. Wright explains the many dangers of vitamin A deficiency... and how to make sure you're getting enough for optimal health. Also learn about the number 1 herb every woman should know about that can help alleviate stubborn PMS symptoms... plus much, much more... All new members who sign up will receive important updates like these in addition to receiving Dr. Wright's 7 Volume Library of Natural Healing. Read here for full details. Sources:
"Physicians, Pharmacists Indicted in Giant Pain Drug Scam," Medscape (medscape.com) Your customer number is: 000052221104
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