Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A simple way to beat insomnia

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6 September 2011

UK Edition

Dear Reader,

Here's something you may never have considered if you suffer from insomnia: The root of your problem could be the heat in your brain.

US researchers, at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, recently presented their research on the relationship between brain heat and insomnia to the Associated Professional Sleep Societies.

Previous research had already shown that insomniacs have increased levels of activity in the frontal lobes of their brains. During waking hours, the brain runs pretty hot, doing all of its work to get you through your day. If it keeps the temperature up at night, it could make sleeping more difficult.

Their solution? Give insomniacs caps with cool water circulating inside. Wearing the caps, participants in the study fell asleep in around 13 minutes (healthy control patients fell asleep in about 16 minutes) and slept for 89 per cent of the time they were in bed (around the same amount of time as the healthy control patients).

Now, from what I can tell, there aren't such cooling caps available on the market. But that doesn't mean you can't take advantage of a low-tech version.

You could try wrapping an ice pack in a towel and placing the wrapped pack on the back of your neck. This can help cool the spinal fluid, which circulates around the brain. It's also more likely to stay put than if you put the pack on your forehead.

When you suffer from insomnia, a doctor is likely to prescribe drugs to help you sleep. But why deal with the side effects when it could be a matter of simply keeping things cool?

Continues below...

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BPH Battlers

Q: I'm confused by what seem to be conflicting claims for herbal treatment of prostate enlargement. Does stinging nettle decrease or increase the amount of testosterone? And what is DHT? Is it good or bad? What does it do?

Dr. Wright: You've got plenty of company when it comes to being confused about these issues. Thanks to Big Pharma eager to sell prescription medications, the mainstream believes that DHT is the cause of prostate enlargement, or benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH).

Now, to answer your questions:

It's true that BPH is associated with declining testosterone due to ageing, but there's a metabolite of testosterone known as dihydrotestosterone (DHT) that actually increases within the prostate in men with BPH. That may be why, as I mentioned, the establishment believes DHT stimulates prostate-gland growth. It's certainly why the modern BPH drugs target DHT production. They were developed to inhibit the enzyme known as 5-alpha-reductase — the enzyme that helps convert testosterone into DHT. The fact that DHT is present along with BPH, however, does not mean that DHT causes prostate enlargement.

In fact, clinical studies show it does the exact opposite. In 37 men, aged 55 to 70 who received DHT through the skin daily for over 19 months, high plasma levels of DHT significantly reduced prostate size.

This study found that these benefits occurred along with changes in the levels of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) and non SHBG-bound testosterone. The science here gets complicated, but it might help to explain why the use of stinging nettles can increase your testosterone.

SHBG is a protein that permanently binds with testosterone. As you age, your SHBG levels rise, and your level of free testosterone falls. Your body can't use testosterone that's bound, so it doesn't provide any benefit. But components of stinging nettle extract bind to the SHBG, "freeing" the testosterone. Research suggests that this elevates the levels of free testosterone circulating in the body. And added free testosterone may help restore the balance between oestradiol and testosterone, removing a major stimulus to prostate growth.

There are other treatments for BPH besides stinging nettle. Perhaps best known is saw palmetto, which research has shown might be as effective as Proscar (finasteride) in treating BPH — and significantly better than the drug in terms of adverse sexual effects.

But when it comes to prevention, I'm willing to bet that no man ever got BPH because of a deficiency of saw palmetto or stinging nettle. In my own practice, I've observed that men who try diet and supplemental essential nutrients first, including zinc, essential fatty acids, selenium, vitamins E and D, and the non-essential but important nutrient lycopene, as well as plant sterols almost always experience a big decrease and sometimes even a complete elimination of their BPH symptoms.

And, as I've said before, BPH may actually be a symptom of zinc and/or essential fatty acid (EFA) deficiency for some men.
Bear in mind we are not addressing anyone's personal situation and you should rely on this for informational purposes only. Please consult with your own doctor before acting on any recommendations contained herein.

Wishing you the best of health,

Andrew Miller
UK Editor
Nutrition and Healing

P.S. In the latest issue of Nutrition & Healing, Dr. Wright will explain how undiagnosed food allergies can contribute to poor health and reoccurring symptoms of almost any illness. Also learn about the 6 ways to identify a food sensitivity, the D-I-Y guide to allergy testing and how to treat food sensitivities... plus much, much more...

All new members who sign up will receive important updates like these in addition to receiving Dr. Wright's 7 Volume Library of Natural Healing.

Click here for full details.


"Tip for Insomniacs: Cool Your Head to Fall Asleep," Time Healthland (healthland.time.com)

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