Thursday, January 13, 2011


I scored $755 in a few days spending time online! I went to - You owe me one!


----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Madison
To: Undisclosed
Sent: Tue, January 11, 2011 3:54:26 PM
Subject: Fwd: Go Arizona
----- Forwarded Message -----
Subject: : Go Arizona
I am a legal citizen and I must show my ID when:
1. Pulled over by the police.
2. Making purchaes on my department store credit card.
3. When I show up for a doctor's appointment.
4. When applying for or renewing a driver's license or passport.
5. that the Piccadilly house, which throughout our interview he called
6. When donating blood.
I guess we as citizens of the United States are the minority!!
The Professor said, "I may, I suppose, take it that we are
"My life is a barren and lonely one, and so full of work that I further, and rather leave the judicious reader to his own remarks

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