Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Diabetic? Then think twice before snacking on this fruit...

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In Today's Issue

29 June 2010

  • New hope for pain sufferers
  • Diabetic? Then think twice before snacking on this fruit…

  • Unsightly hair gone in 50 seconds


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Diabetic? Then Think Twice Before Snacking on This Fruit…

Dear Reader,

If you're concerned about protecting yourself from developing type 2 diabetes, please think twice before making grapes 3 per cent of your diet.

I just read a new US study from the University of Michigan (UM), which found some impressive health benefits linked to eating grapes:

* Lower blood pressure
* Improved heart function
* Reduced inflammation in the heart and blood
* Lower triglycerides
* Reduced oxidative damage
* Improved glucose tolerance

That list might turn just about any health-conscious person into a dedicated grape eater. Especially because that cluster of benefits would reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

But before you clear out the grape bin in your supermarket, let's take a closer look.

I smell a rat

For three months, researchers fed rats a diet that included a mix of powdered green, red and black grapes (not actual grapes, mind you), which made up 3 per cent of the diet. The UM team also used a control group of rats that didn't eat any grape powder.

And here's what the headline on the press release said: "Grapes Reduce Risks for Heart Disease and Diabetes, UM Animal Study Shows"

But here's what the headline didn't say... the control group didn't get the grape powder, but it DID receive added calories and sugars to balance the extra calories and sugars found in the grapes.

Riiiiight. "Balance." Why...it's almost as if the researchers purposely designed their study to MASK the effects of increased calorie and sugar intake.

There's an awful lot of sugar in green grapes — which make them a particularly bad choice for diabetics, despite the headline from the UM press release.

Give me some skin

But keep in mind that the researchers used a combination of grapes for the study. A red or purple grape is a different story — especially when you remove the meat of the grape and focus on the antioxidant-rich skin.

And it's the skin from those dark grapes that is likely responsible for all the good news from the UM study — and the over-reaching headline.

The skins of dark red, blue, and purple vegetables are rich in resveratrol — a type of antioxidant polyphenol, which happens to be most abundant in the skins of red and purple grapes.

Remember a few years ago when every headline was screaming "Good news: Red wine is good for your heart!"? Well, there's a good reason for that. While red wine is fermenting, winemakers leave in what they call the "must" — the skins, seeds, and even the stems of red grapes. Meanwhile, yeasts used in winemaking actually feed on and eliminate the sugars in grape meat.

Result: Red wine delivers a concentration of the best part of the grape (resveratrol and other powerful antioxidant polyphenols), without the inferior part of the grape (the sugar).

So if you're looking for a list of healthy benefits, skip the grapes — especially the green ones — and take some resveratrol or a glass of wine instead. Even a University of Michigan lab rat would probably prefer a nice glass of burgundy to a boring green grape.

Continues below...

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...and another thing

The next time your doctor suggests you get a flu shot, ask him if you can look at some photos of sick people instead.

Pros: No needle, no mercury-based preservative

Cons: Looking at sick people might be kind of a bummer

But it just might boost your immune system too.

In a Canadian trial, subjects were shown photos of furniture. The next day they were divided into two groups. One group was shown photos of men aiming guns at the viewer. The other group saw photos of sick people.

Blood samples were taken from subjects before they viewed the furniture photos, and again after viewing photos the following day. Analysis showed a stronger immune response in the group that looked at photos of sick people.

Researchers believe this response might be an evolutionary adaptation that helps us survive epidemics, plagues, etc.

But chances are the immune response is short-lived, so for extended protection you might have to look at photos of sick people throughout the flu season.

To Your Good Health,

Jenny Thompson
HSI Director

P.S. This month's Health Sciences Institute (HSI) newsletter will tell you about the all-natural formula set to succeed against infections where antibiotics have failed. You'll also discover how to give yourself a 74 per cent chance of survival from sudden cardiac arrest. Plus we'll give you full details on how a substance found in broccoli could revolutionise the way we tackle cancer.

All new members who sign up to the Health Sciences Institute will receive the latest issue of HSI along with a FREE encyclopaedia, HSI's 100 Greatest Underground Cures... Soon you'll discover why our premium members believe HSI is the ultimate resource for anyone seeking a better, newer solution to their health problems.

Click here for full details.

"Grapes Reduce Risks for Heart Disease and Diabetes, UM Animal Study Shows" University of Michigan press release, 4/26/10, med.umich.edu

"Mere Sight of Sick Person May Boost Immune System" HealthDay News, 4/29/10, healthday.com

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