Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Discover Nature's own blood pressure regulators that can help ward off a heart attack or stroke

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(images are being blocked) HSI e-Alert UK Edition

In Today's Issue

  • Sail effortlessly into old age and re-write the story of the rest of your life

  • Discover Nature's own blood pressure regulators that can help ward off a heart attack or stroke

  • 75% of heart attack victims have NORMAL levels of cholesterol . . .

Sail effortlessly into old age and re-write the story of the rest of your life

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..with a razor-sharp mind, the vitality of someone half their age and retaining their full independence...

..whilst others merely spiral into long-term decline, chronic illness and medicine-dependency, their quality of life dwindling day by pitiful day as they become an ever bigger burden on their families?

The answer could be simpler than you think...

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Discover Nature's Own Blood Pressure Regulators That Can Help Ward Off A Heart Attack Or Stroke

Dear Reader,

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is one of today's major medical problems. Two out of ten people (an estimated 10 million) in the UK need treatment for it - yet conventional medicine often resorts to drugs that, effectively, make your condition worse!

One of the main culprits is our increasingly sedentary lifestyles – including a lack of exercise, smoking, stress, and poor diet (typically high in sugar and saturated fats), which goes hand in hand with another risk factor, obesity.

Often, there are no symptoms of hypertension. Some people experience headaches, nosebleeds or blurred vision, but most only find out they have the condition when they have their blood pressure taken. High blood pressure should never be ignored however, as it is associated with an increased risk of heart disease and stroke.

In the vast majority of cases no actual cause can be found for high blood pressure - this is termed as essential hypertension. In fact only 5 per cent of hypertension cases are linked to a specific cause, such as kidney disease, which require specific treatment.

Conventional drugs help lower your blood pressure — but at what price?

Hypertension is diagnosed when a person's blood pressure is higher than the normal range for their age, which is usually a measurement above 140/90. Blood pressure is expressed as the systolic pressure (when your heart is contracting) over the diastolic pressure (when your heart relaxes).

Following a diagnosis of high blood pressure (usually after it has been found to be high on three separate occasions), your doctor will probably prescribe an anti-hypertensive drug.

There are a number of drugs that fall under this category. They include beta-blockers, which lower your heart rate; vasodilators (such as calcium channel blockers and ACE inhibitors), which widen your blood vessels; and diuretics (water tablets), which reduce the volume of your blood by removing water from your body.

Unfortunately these drugs all come with unpleasant and sometimes dangerous side effects — ranging from dehydration, muscle aches, fatigue and nausea to breathing difficulties, impotence and heart failure.

Losing just 9lbs in weight could bring your blood pressure down to normal!

Natural treatments for hypertension can be as effective as prescription drugs, without the harmful side-effects. First, it's important to ensure that you get a reliable blood pressure reading done. Many measurements are artificially high because of the 'white coat effect' (anxiety about seeing your doctor). So try to relax before you have your blood pressure taken, and ask for it to be checked again in a day or two, if the reading is high.

Then, start to take control of your own blood pressure by drinking plenty of water — at least two litres a day. Lose any excess weight — reducing weight by just 9lb has been found to bring blood pressure readings down to normal in some cases.

Cutting out sugar and reducing your intake of refined carbohydrates, like white bread and pasta, can help you lose weight and will also help to prevent insulin resistance and diabetes — two significant risk factors for hypertension.

Blood pressure regulation is reliant on many essential nutrients, like potassium, magnesium, calcium, essential fatty acids and vitamin C — so it is important you're not deficient in them.

Eat more oily fish, which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids — particularly eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) — which have been found to be as effective in lowering blood pressure as beta-blocker drugs. If you don't like oily fish, take a 1,100mg fish oil capsule three times a day.

Eat your greens — and your blood pressure will drop

Because vegetarians have lower rates of hypertension than meat eaters, it used to be thought that meat consumption causes high blood pressure. But tests have shown that eating meat, eggs or fat has little effect. The difference comes from the amount of green vegetables and fruit eaten, because of their high content of potassium, magnesium, vitamin C and fibre — which can all lower blood pressure.

The right balance of sodium and potassium is vital for regulating blood pressure. So limit your salt intake and eat more potassium-rich foods, such as leafy green vegetables, bananas and sunflower seeds. In tests, restricting potassium intake for just nine days led to an average four-point increase in blood pressure.

Magnesium is also crucial, and is found in dark green vegetables, nuts and figs. A low magnesium intake correlated most closely with high blood pressure when the diets of 615 men were analysed. The vitamin C in fruit and vegetables is another powerful preventive - research shows that hypertension and strokes occur most frequently in people who eat the least vitamin C.

Complementary treatments have an extremely high success rate in the fight against hypertension

Despite the fact that hypertension can often be successfully controlled using a drug-free approach, a recent study found that only 5 per cent of patients with high blood pressure were aware of the usefulness of complementary treatments for the condition. The study also found that the majority of patients — up to 94 per cent — who did use complementary treatments experienced a significant drop in their blood pressure levels.

One of the most beneficial natural treatments for hypertension is garlic. It not only helps reduce blood pressure but also reduces the stickiness of the blood inside the arteries — thereby preventing the blood from clotting, which could otherwise cause a heart attack or stroke.

In a recent study conducted by a team of researchers from the Department of Biological Sciences, Kuwait University, garlic was found to work by influencing the concentration of nitric oxide — a substance that reduces blood pressure by widening the arteries — in the blood.

Better still, nitric oxide has an additional benefit for men as it also widens the arteries of the penis, thereby helping to reverse impotence. It's no coincidence that many men who suffer from high blood pressure also suffer from impotence, because they generally have narrow arteries.

So supplementing with garlic can help combat both conditions. Research suggests that aged garlic may offer greater protection than ordinary raw garlic. For the best results take 900mg of garlic powder a day (containing 1.3 per cent alliin — garlic's active ingredient).

Co-enzyme Q10 is just as effective as many anti-hypertensive drugs but without the side effects

As we told you a couple of days ago, one of the most potent supplements for lowering high blood pressure is co-enzyme Q10 (CoQ10) — a natural substance produced in the body. For many people, it can lower blood pressure as effectively as prescription medication and without the adverse side effects.

In a double-blind clinical trial, a group of 76 patients with hypertension took 60mg of CoQ10 or a placebo for 12 weeks. At the end of the study, the CoQ10 group had an average reduction of 18 points in their blood pressure, leading the researchers to conclude: CoQ10 may safely be offered to hypertensive patients as an alternative treatment option.

But remember, not all CoQ10 is equal. Make sure you take only the best form of CoQ10, known as UBIQUINOL... it allows your body to absorb up to 8 times more beneficial CoQ10 than ordinary store-bought CoQ10. To find out more about this superior form of CoQ10, click here:

Taurine and arginine – a powerful duo for keeping your blood pressure down

The amino acid taurine regulates blood pressure in two ways: by balancing the ratio of sodium to potassium in the blood (too much sodium or too little potassium cause blood pressure to rise) and also by reducing production of the hormone adrenalin, which raises blood pressure. Taking six grams of taurine a day for just one week could dramatically lower your systolic blood pressure by nine points.

Another amino acid that has a profound effect on blood pressure is arginine, which is thought to work by producing nitric oxide. This regulates the tone of the blood vessels and prevents them going into spasm, which constricts blood flow and raises blood pressure. Take six to ten grams of L-arginine daily.

Continues below...


Urgent Breaking News . . .

75% of heart attack victims have NORMAL levels of cholesterol . . .

. . so why is cholesterol made out to be the arch villain that condemns 198,000 Britons to a heart attack or stroke each year?

The answer lies in the corporate greed of the multi-billion pound cholesterol-lowering drugs industry.

But the real cause of heart disease and stroke and the single most important way to prevent them - that can save you from a siren-screaming dash to a heart surgeon's knife - have been completely ignored by the medical establishment.

Read the full revelations and discover the shocking truth about The Great Cholesterol Con here:

... and another thing

There are plenty of safe and effective natural alternatives to harmful cholesterol-lowering statin drugs that can help you reduce high cholesterol levels, they include:

1. Dietary fibre locks up cholesterol in your bile salts, so that it is not reabsorbed, and eliminates it from your body. Raw salad leaves, broccoli and 'GG-Bran' crispbreads are suitable low-carbohydrate sources of fibre.

2. Lecithin emulsifies cholesterol and isolates it from the walls of your arteries so that it can't stick to them. Take two tablespoons of lecithin granules daily.

3. Essential fatty acids — omega-6 from borage oil and omega-3 from fish oils (or linseed oil if you prefer) — control cholesterol production, reduce your risk of blood clots, lower blood pressure and keep your arteries supple. Take 1,500 mg of each daily.

4. Niacin is one of the most effective cholesterol-lowering nutrients, outperforming many prescription medications. It also reduces blood fat levels and the risk of clot formation. Take 100 to 500 mg daily. Using the inositol hexanicotinate form will reduce the possibility of liver toxicity. Always take a high-dose vitamin-B complex supplement at the same time.

5. Chromium reduces blood fat and cholesterol levels, and blood pressure. It also stabilises blood sugar levels and helps correct insulin resistance. 200 to 400 mcg daily is usually enough, but you may need up to 1,000 mcg if you are diabetic.

6. Pantethine, a derivative of pantothenic acid, plays a pivotal role in cholesterol metabolism. In one study, 900 mg a day caused a 32 per cent drop in blood fats and a 21 per cent drop in LDL ('bad' cholestreol), while HDL ('good' cholesterol) levels rose by 23 per cent. Take 500 to 1,000 mg a day.

Don't forget, tomorrow you can download your special 8-page report:
"Natural Energy Boosters: Banish Fatigue and Feel Years Younger"... so make sure you keep an eye out for it to discover how you can start benefiting from more energy straight away!

Until tomorrow,

Francois Lubbe
UK Editor

P.S. Be the first to learn about breakthrough treatments when they surface! With our FREE encyclopaedia, HSI's 100 Greatest Underground Cures, you will soon discover how many underground cures have slipped under the radar of mainstream medicine. In the last few years alone, researchers have unearthed hundreds of new breakthroughs that can prevent and treat a wide range of conditions from arthritis to heart disease.

Find out how to access this FREE encyclopaedia by clicking here:


The Immune System and Hypertension. 'The Kidney and Blood Pressure Regulation', by Dr. David J Dzielak, Hypertension. 19(1) Supplement I:I-36-I-44, January 1992.

Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 63 (3, Suppl.): 423S-425S, 1996

Nutrition Reviews 47(10): 291-300, 1989

Lancet ii:742-3, 1983

New England J. Med. 329(18): 1177-82, 1989

Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 45(2): 469-75, 1987

J. Hypertens. 12: 1071-75, 1990

Medical Hypotheses 32:21-28, 1990; Eur, J. Clin. Pharmacol. 40(suppl.):49-51, 1991

Clinical Therapeutics 8(5):537-45, 1986

NEJM 1989; 320(16): 1037-43

Circulation 1987; 75(3): 525-32

Am J Hypertension 2000; 13: 547-551

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