Saturday, June 5, 2010

"If only I'd known sooner..."

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(images are being blocked) HSI e-Alert UK Edition

In Today's Issue

  • The five words that make me angry

  • Here's what to expect from The Daily Health

  • Meet our editorial team at the Health Sciences Institute

The Five Words That Make Me Angry

Dear Reader,

I have to admit, my blood boils when I hear from people whose lives have been ruined by our health care system, either by a drug or procedure that has damaged them, or by a lack of proper information about their treatment options.

And they all say the same thing: "If only I'd known sooner . . ."

But, now that you're a member of the HSI Daily Health e-newsletter, I'm confident that you'll never have to hear yourself say those five words.

That's because our mission at Agora Health Ltd's Health Sciences Institute is to make sure that you are the first to know about the very latest advances in natural medicine that are producing remarkable results - and that you won't hear about from your doctor or the national press. We think it's important work, because it allows you to make fully informed choices about your health.

Take, for example, an email I received recently from one of our members . . .

"I am battling high blood pressure (average 200 over 85 to 110) since a couple of years. I have refused taking medication, because nobody, including my heart specialist, were able to explain to me the underlying problem. At my last visit with a specialist, I was told: "if I were you I would go home and worry about taking medication to bring the blood pressure down, instead of worrying about what causes it."

I'm telling you this, because I really cannot express how happy I am, to have read the information you sent to me. Now let me tell you what happened within the last few days [after acting on your advice]:
Aug.12.09 176/70 77
Aug.13.09 174/80 70
Aug.14.09 168/72 71
Aug.15.09 154/82 79
Aug.16.09 160/85 76 …… plus, my glucose level fell below the 2 digit readings.

I just wanted to send you the biggest THANK YOU."

Hildegardt H. Gurr
Via email 17th August 2009

Every week, our researchers at Agora Health Ltd's Health Sciences Institute are discovering new scientifically verified remedies and treatments, and making important connections that may just help you find the answer to a longstanding health problem.

Just imagine discovering that single golden nugget of information that could change your life for the better . . . forever!

Imagine not having to face a life of drug-dependency, nor having the prospect of surgery looming over you. And just imagine living without pain and with the energy and mobility to do all the things you want to do.

There IS reason for hope. There ARE breakthroughs being made - although you won't hear about them in the newspapers. And there ARE positive steps you can take to protect yourself - as another of our regular readers will testify:

"In January 2008 I developed a deep vein thrombosis in the calf of my right leg, just a few days after a minor throat operation. I was put on a 6 month course of warfarin. At the end of that period my NHS treatment stopped, without anyone knowing whether the blood clot remained in situ or not.

Anxious to find out, I had a privately arranged ultrasound in October. This revealed a six inch clot blocking the vein. I recalled at that time having recently read an email from you on this subject. Following this advice, I started on a course of Nattokinase, fish oil and vitamins C and E. I have now had a second ultrasound and am delighted to know that the vein is completely clear. The hospital doctor carrying out the ultrasound was somewhat amazed."

Arnold Rowe,
North Yorkshire.
Via email, 27th July 2009

I firmly believe that this is vital information that should be shared with as many people as possible - which is why I am delighted that you've chosen to join us in our quiet revolution.

Here's what to expect from The Daily Health

I want to make it 100 per cent clear what you can expect from your free subscription to The Daily Health.

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Continues below...

*Meet the Editorial Team*

Jenny Thompson
Health Sciences Institute Director

Jenny Thompson is the Director of the Health Sciences Institute (HSI) Baltimore, in the US. Jenny has been campaigning against mainstream medicine and pharmaceutical cover-ups for years. She works with a team of dedicated researchers, doctors, and experts from around the world to bring you the underground therapies and cures 'they' don't want you to know about. Along with forward-thinking doctors like Dr. Allan Spreen, Jenny provides invaluable health advice.

Rachael Linkie
Health Sciences Institute

Rachael Linkie is the Editor of Health Sciences Institute UK, which is dedicated to bringing its members news about the very latest advances in natural medicine each month that can help prevent and treat a wide range of debilitating conditions from arthritis, heart disease and cancer to high blood pressure, depression and migraines.

Her best-selling books include: Pain-Free Forever – the 157 most powerful natural pain relief remedies on the planet; Super Foods for a Super Healthy You – Unleash the secret healing power of Nature's ultimate foods; The Age-Defying Handbook – 139 sure-fire ways to look and feel fabulous whatever your age.

Francois Lubbe
UK Editor

Francois Lubbe is a native South African who's passion for alternative medicine was fuelled from a very early age. Growing up with hereditary heart disease he had the misfortune of being used as a 'guinea pig' in the testing of pharmaceuticals still in the process of being developed. His first-hand experience of the damaging side-effects linked to many prescription drugs encouraged him to explore natural alternatives. Today, he firmly believes the individual should be aware of all the treatment options available - both conventional and alternative - in order to make an informed choice when it comes to their healthcare.

Coming up tomorrow . . .

Tomorrow, I'll be telling you about what's been described as 'the most stunning advance in natural medicine for the last 33 years' – so make sure you keep a look-out for our email!

Until tomorrow

Rachael Linkie
Health Sciences Institute

P.S. Here's something fundamental that I believe ALL our members should know about immediately . . . There's a hidden sickness at large today that affects 3 million people in the UK alone. Diagnosis rates have shot up by 44 per cent in the last 5 years - and yet this disease goes UNDETECTED in 3 out of 4 sufferers! But when I tell you what it is, you won't believe me . . .

Discover the simple measures you can take to give yourself 'super-immunity' and to stop it happening to you. Read the full report here:

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