Sunday, June 6, 2010

This secret could re-write the story of your life

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(images are being blocked) HSI e-Alert UK Edition

In Today's Issue

  • This secret could re-write the story of your life

  • The 100 greatest cures you can't have...

  • The most stunning advance in natural medicine for the last 33 years

This Secret Could Re-write the Story of Your Life

Dear Reader,

Today I want to share with you one of the biggest secrets in natural medicine that may just help you avoid serious illness - and even re-write the story of the rest of your life.

You've probably already heard about co-enzyme Q10 (CoQ10). CoQ10 is made naturally by your body and is essential to practically every one of your vital functions. It's also been widely available as a food supplement for the last 15 years.

No other substance supercharges your cells and helps prevent and reverse heart problems... high blood pressure... blocked arteries... nerve damage... brain cell deterioration... abnormal cell growth... breathing problems... gum disease... muscle wasting... blood sugar imbalance... skin damage... headaches... obesity... infertility... and that's just for starters!

Over 1,000 research papers, 39 placebo-controlled studies, by more than 200 scientists and researchers from 18 countries around the world all agree on ONE thing . . . when your CoQ10 levels are depleted, you're leaving yourself wide open to accelerated ageing, disease and deterioration.

But here's the problem

Once you've hit 45, your body is only producing a fraction of the CoQ10 it did when you were in your 20s. And as you get older your body's levels decline even further.

It's almost like your body's internal flame is slowly getting weaker and weaker . . .

CoQ10 is vital for producing muscular energy, therefore a deficiency of this nutrient can cause your heart (which is a muscle) to function improperly, resulting in heart failure.

But, there's a further problem for all those people taking cholesterol-lowering drugs - called statins - because, by blocking the production of cholesterol in the liver, statins also block the production of CoQ10. A Columbia University study found that CoQ10 levels were reduced by HALF after only 30 days of statin use.

Very few doctors who prescribe statins ever make this known to their patients!

Our researchers have also discovered that if your levels of CoQ10 drop by as much as 75%, then it's 'game over', I'm afraid.

And yet, by the time we reach 80 years old, our ability to produce CoQ10 has plummeted by 65% anyway . . . so just imagine what's going to happen if you're approaching 80 AND also taking statins!

"I can't thank you enough…"

One in three people over the age of 45 in the UK currently take statins – that's a staggering 7 million people.

What's more, those of us with NORMAL cholesterol levels are being pressurised to take statins by our doctors as a preventative measure. So this number is likely to grow rapidly over the next 10 years.

But that means more of us will be putting ourselves at risk . . .

Gill East is just one of the hundreds of statins-users who wrote to us last year in absolute desperation after suffering terrible pains resulting from the drugs she was taking:

"I've been taking statins for 2 years now. I can hardly walk, the pains in my legs are awful. I can't even have my bed covers on my lower legs. When I go to work I have to take painkillers, now I've got bad swelling round my ankles. I'm at my wits end..."

Because Gill is one of our premium members, we immediately sent her our Health Sciences Institute reports on CoQ10 and other natural ways to lower cholesterol without statins. Eventually, with her doctor's help, she was able to reduce her dosage and then come off the statins completely. Just a few months later she wrote to us:

"I can't thank you enough… after following your advice I'm now off the statins and my cholesterol is finally under control and the statin-related symptoms that made my life such a misery are gradually starting to improve. I haven't felt this good for years!"

It's great to hear happy endings like this… it makes us more determined than ever to keep on uncovering and researching the most urgent advances in modern underground medicine. Find out more about how you can protect yourself and your loved ones by becoming one of our premium members.

Not all CoQ10 is equal

If you're wondering whether CoQ10 can do the same for you as it did for Gill, then the good news is that you don't have to be taking statins or be suffering from a health problem in order to get CoQ10's health-transforming benefits.

But there is ONE crucial secret you do need to know if you're considering tapping into CoQ10's 'miraculous' qualities like so many other health–savvy folk are doing.

As our premium members will know already, the trouble with most brands of commercially available CoQ10 supplements is that they use a cheaper form of the enzyme – known as ubiquinone – which is extremely difficult for your body to absorb.

What's more, if you're over 40 years old it's DOUBLY difficult for your body to convert this ubiquinone CoQ10 into a form that can be easily absorbed.

That means that the lion's share of this valuable CoQ10 enzyme is often being FLUSHED OUT of your body as WASTE, and NEVER makes it to your cells where it can do the most good.

Fortunately, after 10 years of painstaking research in Japan, Dr Tatsumasa Mae has solved this problem forever . . .

Continues below...


The 100 greatest CURES you can't have...

You won't find them at your health food store - and even if you could, their developers are forbidden to say they could prevent, treat or cure...

Discover the 100 greatest underground CURES... and learn about the secrets shared by an international network of doctors and researchers...

Special INTRODUCTORY OFFER for new premium members... click here to find out more

The most stunning advance in natural medicine for the last 33 years

Dr Tatsumasa Mae's landmark breakthrough – which many are calling the most stunning advance in natural medicine for the last 33 years - means that there is now a new form of CoQ10 called UBIQUINOL.

UBIQUINOL is vastly superior to ordinary store-bought CoQ10 supplements, because with ubiquinol, your body absorbs up to 8 times more CoQ10.

And that means:

  • 8 times more energy fizzing through your body
  • 8 times more protection for your heart and arteries
  • 8 times more anti-ageing benefits for your brain, skin, hair, eyes . . . and pretty much every other vital function in your body!

  • And not to mention 8 times more protection against statins . . .

  • Read our full report on this amazing breakthrough here:

    Better absorption also means you can get more CoQ10 in your system while actually taking FEWER pills – and in the long run, that means spending a lot less money!

    So my advice is to make sure that the CoQ10 that's sitting in your medicine cabinet is ubiquinOL, rather than ubiquinoNE. Those two little letters make a huge difference!

    The optimum dose for people over 35 years old and generally in reasonable health, is 100 to 200 mg per day which will help you achieve the classically documented benefits of CoQ10.

    However, if your health is compromised – such as the elderly, those on restricted or poor diets, people taking statin drugs, or those suffering, or recovering, from a chronic illness – then the recommended dosage is 300 to 400mg per day.

    Ubiquinol is completely safe with no toxicity in over 1,000 published trials, and is not contra-indicated with any pharmaceuticals. Read more here about whether it could help you . . .

    Tomorrow, my colleague Francois Lubbe – who'll be bringing you the latest breaking health news in your Daily Health e-alerts, Monday through to Friday – will tell you about a remarkable immune-booster, which has been found to help protect against numerous age-related conditions from cancer to arthritis.

    Wishing you the best of health

    Rachael Linkie
    Health Sciences Institute

    P.S. Be the first to learn about breakthrough treatments when they surface! With our FREE encyclopaedia, HSI's 100 Greatest Underground Cures, you will soon see how many underground cures have slipped under the radar of mainstream medicine... In the last few years alone, researchers have unearthed hundreds of new breakthroughs you've never heard about. HSI is the ultimate resource for anyone seeking a better, newer solution to their health problems.

    Find out how to access this FREE encyclopaedia by clicking here:


    Method of stabilizing reduced coenzyme Q10. Patent application number US 2005/0008630 A1. January 13, 2005

    J Biol Chem 2001; 276(7): 4588-96

    Carcinogenesis 2003; 24(5): 905-9

    Ann Nutr Metab. 2003;47(1):16-21

    Free Radic Res 2002; 36(4): 471-7

    Exp Gerontol 2006; 41(2): 130-40

    Anti-fatigue effect in rats. Unpublished data, Kaneka Corporation

    Customer reference number: 000052221104

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