Thursday, July 22, 2010

Big Pharma fails to reproduce nature's health benefits

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22 July 2010

UK Edition

Dear Reader,

Often, pharmaceutical companies do my work for me. No matter how much I talk about not being able to improve on nature, nothing drives home the point more than a classic mainstream screw-up.

By now, pretty much everyone knows about the health benefits of resveratrol. A potent antioxidant found in grape skins and red wine, it's been touted for its anti-ageing benefits for several years now.

And researchers keep finding more and more good reasons to add resveratrol to your supplement regimen. In short, it's pretty amazing stuff – a completely natural way to boost your health.

Of course, the mainstream just couldn't leave it alone. To them, all of the good news about resveratrol amounted to a lot of useless information unless one question could be answered: How do we make money off it?

Pharmaceutical companies can't patent natural substances. So, of course, they can't profit off them. And to them, ladies and gentleman, that's a huge problem.

To solve this problem, pharmaceutical giants put a lot of money into finding ways they can create fake versions of natural healers. Now, you'll never convince me that something coming out of a lab is better than what's available in the natural world, but they've certainly brainwashed plenty of people into believing it is.

So, as resveratrol kept getting more and more attention for being a miracle substance, Big Pharma wanted in. GlaxoSmithKline created a proprietary formulation of resveratrol and started testing it, with visions of dollar signs dancing in their heads. They started some tests on type 2 diabetes and, in March 2009, started testing it in patients with multiple myeloma (a cancer of the white blood cells).

The trial was scheduled to run until the end of this year. But late last month, it came to a halt.

The reason? They're not really clear on that point. All they offer is that there were "unexpected safety events." Well, isn't that ominous?

It's a shame that the participants in this trial were put in harm's way to feed Big Pharma's greed when the real thing – natural, safe resveratrol, was available all along.

So what can the real thing do? Well, for one thing, resveratrol could replace dangerous hormone replacement therapy AND prevent breast cancer. It's also demonstrated benefits against pancreatic cancer.

We here at Nutrition & Healing believe that you really can't improve upon nature when it comes to supporting your health. And, as the story of this halted trial shows, sometimes it's downright dangerous to try. But, of course, the mainstream will keep trying.

Continues below...

63 BREAKTHROUGH Arthritis Solutions... You Won't Hear About From Your Doctor

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Tackling tooth pain

Q: My teeth have become so sensitive that I feel like they're throbbing out of my mouth. I've been to a dentist and he couldn't find any problems with my gums or roots, and I don't have any cavities. What is going on here?

Dr. Jonathan V. Wright: One of the major signs of vitamin D deficiency is bone pain, technically referred to as osteomalacia. And it's important to remember that teeth are bones too. So sensitive, aching, or throbbing teeth that can't be explained by a dental cause might be a sign that you need more vitamin D.

For adults, I recommend a total of 4,000 IU of vitamin D per day. This amount can generally be achieved by spending about 20 minutes in the sun with your face and arms exposed (just until your skin turns very slightly pink).

If you can't get enough from the sun, cod liver oil is also a good source, containing daily 1,200-1,500 IU of vitamin D per tablespoon. Just remember to take additional vitamin E (in the form of mixed tocopherols) whenever you supplement with fish oils or other essential fatty acids, to help prevent them from oxidizing too rapidly in your body.
Bear in mind we are not addressing anyone's personal situation and you should rely on this for informational purposes only. Please consult with your own doctor before acting on any recommendations contained herein.

Wishing you the best of health,

Andrew Miller
UK Editor

In the latest issue of Nutrition & Healing, Dr Jonathan V. Wright will tell you about the small fruit that could prove to be a huge threat to Big Pharma. Discover the remarkable root-plant that can bring much-needed relief from nausea for pregnant women and cancer patients. Also, learn why bacon and eggs could be your 'new' healthy breakfast.

All new members who sign up will receive important updates like these in addition to receiving Dr. Wright's 7 Volume Library of Natural Healing.

Click here for full details.


"Small study of Glaxo "red wine" drug suspended," Reuters (

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