Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Big Pharma targets doctors even before they're qualified...

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In Today's Issue

14 July 2010

  • Get natural infection protection all year round
  • Big Pharma targets doctors even before they're qualified...

  • Free report: How to read your body like a book

Get Natural Infection Protection All Year Round

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Big Pharma Targets Doctors Even Before They're Qualified...

Dear Reader,

Medical students say they're not prepared.

Oh, don't worry. They're ready to practice medicine, but they say they want their schools to offer instruction on how to interact with pharmaceutical sales representatives (PSRs).

Students, you're over thinking it. Here's all you need to know: Don't take candy from strangers.

Married to the mob

A review of 14 surveys that explored medical students' attitudes towards PSRs found that a majority of students have "significant exposure to promotion."

That's right — drug reps begin hounding doctors long before they're doctors.

The review shows that even though the majority of students view drug rep promotion as biased, they don't really mind.

Generally, students believe that note pads and pens with logos are fine. Gifts of textbooks, stethoscopes and a nice meal — just fine. But the majority draws the line there. They say that social outings, drug samples, vacations, and funding for travel to conferences are inappropriate.

However, that still leaves a minority of students who said all those perks were completely appropriate.

Ah, what good little drug-friendly docs THEY'RE going to be!

As for the majority of students who want their schools to provide guidance on handling drug reps, that's probably not a bad idea — especially for those who see no ethical problem in accepting extravagant gifts.

But really, handling PSRs is not brain surgery — especially for people that might actually be doing brain surgery! Pharma reps don't give you meals or expensive textbooks or trips to Cancun because they like you. Every gift is part of an unspoken quid pro quo. It's kind of like dealing with the mob, but without the threat of getting whacked.

And don't buy the line that PSRs want to help educate you. If that were true, you'd get school credit for watching TV commercials.

So just do what I do: Open the medical journals and read the studies!

Come to think of it, that's also pretty good advice for practicing docs.

Continues below...

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Free report: How to read your body like a book

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...and another thing

Mozart never had a top 40 hit, but he suddenly became very popular in the early 90s after a study showed that children who listened to his music had better spatial abilities than children who didn't.

Spatial ability involves aptitude for analyzing and comprehending, which plays into recognition of patterns and critical problem solving.

In short, advanced spatial ability equals smart.

So for years, parents, day-care centres, paediatricians, etc., have been pumping Don Giovanni and other Mozart favourites into little ears, certain the little brains were getting sharp.

Turns out they weren't.

Psychologists from the University of Vienna reviewed dozens of studies that addressed the Mozart/spatial ability question. Their conclusion: Children might learn to love (or maybe hate) classical music, but if they bring home straight As, it won't be because of the maestro.

If you want to make children smarter, minimize their intake of sugar, television, video games, and the Internet. Then maximize their intake of nutrients that we KNOW support cognitive function — vitamin D, vitamin B-12, and omega-3 fatty acids for starters.

Then put on some tunes you like and dance around with your brainy bunch.

To Your Good Health,

Jenny Thompson
HSI Director

P.S. This month's Health Sciences Institute (HSI) newsletter will tell you about the astonishing nutrient that heralds a major breakthrough in the fight against Alzheimer's. You'll also discover the revolutionary new formula that helps tackle the cause of arthritis… it can even halve pain levels in some cases. Plus we'll give you full details about the ancient Chinese secret that helps banish wrinkles and rejuvenates your skin from the inside out.

All new members who sign up to the Health Sciences Institute will receive the latest issue of HSI along with a FREE encyclopaedia, HSI's 100 Greatest Underground Cures... Soon you'll discover why our premium members believe HSI is the ultimate resource for anyone seeking a better, newer solution to their health problems.

Click here for full details.

"What do Medical Students Think about Pharmaceutical Promotion?" Australian Medical Student Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1, April 2010,

"Listening to Mozart Won't Make Your Child Smarter" Randy Dotinga, HealthDay News, 5/14/10,

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