Monday, July 26, 2010

New study shows no link between red meat and heart disease

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In Today's Issue

26 July 2010

  • Reduce pain naturally and quickly with the touch of a button
  • New study shows no link between red meat and heart disease

  • Is this forgotten Nobel Prize-winning discovery our last hope against superbugs?

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New Study Shows No Link Between Red Meat and Heart Disease

Dear Reader,

Next time you order a juicy steak and someone lectures you about how meat causes heart disease, share this "news" that we have known for years: There is no link between red meat and coronary heart disease. Period.

In a new study, published in the journal Circulation, Harvard researchers, in the US, analyzed 20 studies that compared health outcomes of people who eat red meat and processed meat. The combined studies included well over one million subjects.

Organic = good, processed = junk

And, not surprisingly to many of us, red meat intake was not associated with either heart disease or type 2 diabetes.

But this isn't a green light to go meat crazy, because the Harvard study also confirmed something else we already knew: Processed meat is junk.

Hot dogs. Bacon. Sausage. Lunch meats. For the most part — all junk. And it's all potentially dangerous.

The Harvard team reports a 42 per cent higher risk of heart disease linked to consistent eating of processed meat, and nearly 20 per cent higher risk of type 2 diabetes.

So the meat naysayers will tell you the processed meats are so bad because of the saturated fats and the cholesterol... but they'll be wrong again.

Saturated fat and cholesterol content were the same in unprocessed red meat and processed meat. The dangers in the processed meat are mostly due to chemical preservatives and high sodium levels.

Of course, that detail will be a hard sell to your vegetarian friends who swear that animal fats are equivalent to arsenic. Fact is, these fats are necessary for your body to absorb critical fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.

Grazing in the grass

If you never eat a single bacon-wrapped hot dog, and you regularly enjoy a t-bone or a sirloin steak, you're on the right track. But to make that steak real health food, there's one more thing to look out for.

When California State University researchers reviewed research that compared grass-fed beef with grain-fed beef, they found higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A and E, and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in grass-fed. In fact, CLA levels were twice as high — no small thing, given the evidence that CLA helps manage blood sugar and insulin levels, while also reducing risks of cancer, osteoporosis, and atherosclerosis.

Grass-fed beef is also far less likely to contain the antibiotics and hormones typically found in commercial meat.

As I've mentioned before, genuine grass-fed beef is more expensive and often hard to find. But the Whole Foods Market chain and other specialist supermarkets now carries grass- fed/grass-finished beef — which means the animals have eaten grass their entire lives and haven't been fed corn to fatten them up just before they're sold for slaughter.

So enjoy quality meat and get the superior nutrition it offers — without worrying about the fat or cholesterol intake. And if your wallet allows, grass-finished is the only way to go.

Continues below...

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...and another thing

A friend of mine wonders if we'll soon be hearing about Generation V.

His idea is that a new generation coming along might have a much higher number of children who have older parents due to widespread use of Viagra and other erectile dysfunction (ED) drugs.

He could be on to something there. And if he is, it could signal an unfortunate wave of health challenges for that generation.

A few years ago, a New York University School of Medicine study showed that children born to fathers in their late 40s were twice as likely to develop schizophrenia as children born to fathers in their 20s.

Autism and breast cancer rates are also higher in children born to older fathers.

New research from the UK may reveal what's going on here. Scientists have found that a specific type of testicular tumour that occurs in older men may be made of the same cells that produce sperm that carry a mutant gene. As men grow older, the number of sperm carrying the mutation increases.

Researchers note that older men shouldn't necessarily avoid fatherhood. The risk of having children with mutant genes is relatively small. Still, they need to be aware of possible repercussions when they contribute to Generation V.

To Your Good Health,

Jenny Thompson
HSI Director

P.S. This month's Health Sciences Institute (HSI) newsletter will tell you about the astonishing nutrient that heralds a major breakthrough in the fight against Alzheimer's. You'll also discover the revolutionary new formula that helps tackle the cause of arthritis… it can even halve pain levels in some cases. Plus we'll give you full details about the ancient Chinese secret that helps banish wrinkles and rejuvenates your skin from the inside out.

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Click here for full details.

"Red and Processed Meat Consumption and Risk of Incident Coronary Heart Disease, Stroke, and Diabetes Mellitus. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis" Circulation, Published online ahead of print, 5/17/10,

"Switching to Grass-Fed Beef" Tara Parker-Pope, New York Times, 3/11/10,

"Chickens, Beware: KFC Extends Double Down" Associated Press, 5/19/10,

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