Tuesday, August 17, 2010

About Allergies: Does Tylenol Cause Asthma?

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From Daniel More, MD, your Guide to Allergies
Tylenol (acetaminophen) is an over-the-counter pain reliever and fever-reducer that is commonly used for children. The use of acetaminophen has increased dramatically over the past 50 years -- over the same time allergic diseases, such as asthma, have also become more common. Could there be an association between the use of acetaminophen and asthma? A recent study sought to determine the risk of asthma in teenagers using acetaminophen, and found that the development of asthma and eczema was 2.5 times more likely in those taking acetaminophen at least once a month. There was also a significant increase in the risk of developing nasal and eye allergies. Acetaminophen may cause an increase in inflammation, and ultimately allergic diseases, by reducing the amount of antioxidant enzymes in the body. Does this mean that you shouldn't take acetaminophen? The answer isn't completely clear, and more studies are needed, to see if there is truly an association between acetaminophen use and the development of allergies.

Tylenol and Asthma
Children who had received acetaminophen for fever during the first year of life were found to have an increased risk of asthma at 6 to 7 years of age. These children also had higher rates of allergic rhinitis and eczema...

Why Allergies are Becoming More Common
No one knows for sure. There are various theories why this might be, with the "hygiene hypothesis" representing the most popular reason. The "hygiene hypothesis" refers to the fact that in our clean, modern society, our immune systems no longer have to fight off multiple infections during childhood...

Prevention of Allergies and Asthma in Children
The ultimate goal of allergy treatment is preventing the symptoms from occurring in the first place. This usually includes learning how to avoid the allergen, whether it be pets, foods, insects or even certain chemicals. Preventing the development of allergies, asthma and food allergies in young children also is possible...


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Daniel More, MD
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Must Reads
What are Allergies?
Symptoms of Allergies
Diagnosis of Allergies
Treatment of Allergies
Preventing Allergies


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