Tuesday, August 31, 2010

How mainstream medicine has got it wrong yet again...

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In Today's Issue

31 August 2010

  • Little-known forbidden remedies that can change your life today!
  • How mainstream medicine has got it wrong yet again…

  • Is this forgotten Nobel Prize-winning discovery our last hope against superbugs?

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How Mainstream Medicine Has Got it Wrong Yet Again…

Dear Reader,

How completely clueless can health officials be?

So clueless it's scary.

What makes it scary is when you can't tell if they actually believe what they're saying.

Recently, Dr. Bob Moore, a supervisor in the Division of Dietary Supplement Programmes, said that supplements are generally taken by healthy people, so the risks don't outweigh the benefits.

Dr. Moore added that the side effects of pharmaceuticals are known and expected, and they offer sufficient benefits that outweigh the dangers.

I'm glad I don't have to stand up and make that statement as part of a public record. Because the only way you could possibly live down the cluelessness of THAT position is to one day explain, "Hey, I was working for the [American Food and Drug Administration] FDA. What do you expect?"

Unknown and unexpected

Dr. Moore must have somehow missed the years of controversy in his own agency over a couple of the most dangerous drugs ever offered to unsuspecting patients.

Apparently, he didn't see a 2004 Washington Post article about FDA officials who tried to suppress an agency report that came to the conclusion that 27,000 heart attacks and sudden cardiac deaths could have been avoided if patients had been using Celebrex instead of Vioxx.

I'm pretty sure the families of those 27,000 patients wouldn't describe the outcomes as "expected."

And now there's the Avandia controversy, threatening to blow up into another agency scandal.

The difference is that the increased risks of heart attack, heart failure, and stroke linked with Avandia are fairly well known. But do the benefits outweigh the dangers? I guess the answer is yes, as long as you're one of the lucky ones whose heart doesn't quit on you.

Bad as those two drugs are, however, I would offer statin drugs as an ideal poster child for unknown and unexpected side effects. Statins are the best selling class of prescription drugs of all time. Millions of people have taken them for many years. And yet researchers have only recently understood that the common muscle pain side effect is actually a symptom of muscle damage.

And — oh yeah — new research also confirms that statins increase type 2 diabetes risk. Hey, but no worries — when you're diagnosed with diabetes you can always take Avandia. I hear it can be effective if you survive it.

Are you getting all this, Dr. Moore?

I bet not. But before I let you off the hook, I have to go back to your comment about the benefits of supplements not outweighing the risks because supplements are generally taken by healthy people.

Where did you come up with that cockamamie idea?

Benefits aplenty

Besides the fact that adverse events with supplements are overwhelmingly less risky than drugs, there are many thousands of patients who rely on supplements to treat serious health issues...

* Chondrotin and glucosamine for arthritis pain
* Probiotics for heartburn, irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive problems
* Vitamin B12 for anaemia and diabetic neuropathy
* Calcium, magnesium, and Vitamins D and K for osteoporosis
* Niacin to balance LDL and HDL cholesterol
* Desiccated thyroid for hypothyroid
* Inositol for control of panic attacks
* Saw palmetto and pygeum for benign prostate enlargement
* Indigo naturalis for eczema
* St. John's wort for mild-to-moderate depression
* Omega-3 fatty acids to improve vitality loss due to chemotherapy
* Milk thistle to alleviate liver inflammation due to chemotherapy
* N-acetylcysteine to reverse acetaminophen toxicity

And this partial list doesn't even begin to address the proven preventive benefits of many supplements, such as folic acid (birth defects, heart disease), omega-3 fatty acids (heart disease, dementia), zinc and antioxidants (age- related macular degeneration).

Continues below...

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...and another thing

Have you ever seen a seasick pig?

Of course not. Two reasons:

1) Pigs rarely go boating, and
2) Histamine.

Your body produces histamine when you experience sensory conflict — such as the rolling motion of a boat. And among other responses, histamine stimulates gastric acid secretion. Which is why you eventually go running for the railing.

Pigs get a break here. They happen to produce large amounts of an enzyme that degrades histamine.

But there is something you can do to give yourself a pig- like advantage.

Experienced sailors know they can help prevent seasickness with plenty of vitamin C. This was recently confirmed in an Austrian study that showed a histamine spike in people who were seasick. But one or two grams of Vitamin C disrupted histamine production and curbed seasickness.

This tip might also be useful to moviegoers who attend 3D movies. During the recent theatrical run of Avatar, there were many reports of nausea — especially in IMAX theatres where the enormous images are sometimes overwhelming.

Production of histamine can also be suppressed by avoiding alcohol and chocolate. Histamine is degraded during sleep, so a good night's rest can help too.

To Your Good Health,

Jenny Thompson
HSI Director

P.S. This month's Health Sciences Institute (HSI) newsletter will tell you how a cutting-edge herbal formula can finally free you from chronic pain. You'll also discover how to put a stop to the misery of hair loss with a natural formula that can help you retain your hair from the inside out. Plus we'll give you full details about the breakthrough remedy that provides a vital defence against sun-related skin damage.

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Click here for full details.

"FDA Speaker Says Supplement Benefits Don't Outweigh the Risk" Holly Tully, SupplySide blog, 6/23/10, supplysideshow.com

"FDA Official Alleges Pressure to Suppress Vioxx Findings" Marc Kaufman, The Washington Post, 10/8/04, washingtonpost.com

"Sea Sickness: A Medical Story" Dr. Erich Lederer, DocCheck News, 6/3/10, news.doccheck.com

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