Monday, June 7, 2010

The incredible anti-ageing formula that helps fight everything from arthritis to cancer

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(images are being blocked) HSI e-Alert UK Edition

In Today's Issue

  • Discover the secret new science that pulses pain away

  • The incredible anti-ageing formula that helps fight everything from arthritis to cancer

  • 63 BREAKTHROUGH Arthritis Solutions... You Won't Hear About From Your Doctor

"Words cannot describe what this has done for my joint pain and for my life!"

Discover the secret new science that's helped 94.2% of users reduce their pain from "excruciating, distressing and intense" to "mild" or "none" in just 14 days - simply by pulsing their pain away....

..and yet I almost threw it in the bin!

Read the full amazing story here:

The Incredible Anti-Ageing Formula That Helps Fight Everything from Arthritis to Cancer

Dear Reader,

Today I'd like to share with you news of a ground-breaking new product that is not only proving to be an excellent immune-booster... it also heralds an important breakthrough against a wide-range of age-related conditions - from cancer to arthritis. It also has a remarkable ability to increase energy levels and improve the condition of skin, hair and nails... with all these health benefits it's not difficult to see why it is increasingly being referred to as an anti-ageing breakthrough.

Of course, there are numerous anti-ageing supplements on the market, all claiming to provide an elixir of youth that can make you look and feel like a teenager again. The reality is that few products are able to deliver on bold promises like these and as is the case with most miraculous-sounding claims... if it sounds too good to be true it probably is.

Here at HSI we are sceptical about any claim that isn't backed-up by scientific research — especially when it comes to anti-ageing products. But every now and then we come across a formula that stands head and shoulders above the rest.

E3 Renew Me! Emerald Blend is an anti-ageing supplement that falls into this category. Its ingredients have been rigorously researched and, while it won't eradicate wrinkles, it has been found — as I've mentioned already — to bolster immunity and protect against numerous degenerative diseases, increase energy levels and improve the condition of your skin, hair and nails.

It contains the following powerful anti-ageing ingredients — Klamath Lake blue-green algae, MSM, Camu-Camu, cayenne pepper, vitamin E complex and electrolyte sea minerals — each of which has been carefully formulated and tested to guarantee maximum potency and availability to ensure beneficial results.

E3 Renew Me! Emerald Blend stimulates important components of your immune system

The most important ingredient in E3 Renew Me! Emerald Blend is Klamath Lake blue-green algae (scientific name Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, or AFA for short). In the last 10 years, an enormous amount of scientific research has been carried out on AFA.

One of the most exciting discoveries is that AFA stimulates Natural Killer cells — a class of white blood cells that are an important part of your immune system — to move out of the blood stream and into your body's tissues. This is where they carry out their vital work of searching out and destroying cancerous and virally-infected cells. Within just two hours of ingestion, AFA can cause an amazing 40 per cent of circulating Natural Killer cells to migrate into the tissues.

In addition, AFA is the only natural substance known to stimulate the mobilisation of stem cells from bone marrow to the body's tissues. Stem cells are your body's internal first aid kit, with an incredible ability to heal and repair any organ or tissue. For instance, bone marrow stem cells migrate to the heart following a heart attack and play a major role in repairing damaged muscle and forming new blood vessels.

AFA is also one of the best sources of beneficial omega-3 essential fatty acids. Animal studies have shown that it significantly raises blood levels of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) — two omega-3 fatty acids that are known to lower the risk of heart disease and stroke, reduce inflammation and prevent depression.

AFA possesses powerful anti-inflammatory and antidepressant properties

AFA contains a blue pigment called phycocyanin that has been found to be a strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Not only does phycocyanin block the production of a particularly nasty inflammatory chemical called leukotriene B4 that is implicated in causing ailments like arthritis and eczema, it has also been found to be one of the most powerful natural COX-2 inhibitors.

COX-2 (cyclooxygenase-2) is an enzyme that causes inflammation, suppresses the immune system and promotes cancer. Pharmaceutical COX-2 inhibitors, often prescribed for arthritis, have recently been shown to carry alarming risks of heart disease or stroke, so having a safe and effective natural alternative like AFA is now even more important.

AFA's benefits don't end there — people taking it have reported improvements in their mood, mental energy, mental clarity and quality of life. This is not surprising, as AFA is a unique source of a mood-enhancing substance called phenylethylamine (PEA).

PEA is a chemical produced naturally in the brain and is responsible for the good feeling you get when absorbed in a pleasurable activity. In one study, a dose of 10mg a day of PEA reduced depression in 60 per cent of patients, a success rate better than many prescription drugs, with no unpleasant side-effects.

Other ingredients also have numerous benefits — from protecting against cancer to improving your hair and nails

In addition to AFA, E3 Renew Me! Emerald Blend contains MSM (methyl sulphonyl methane), which is renowned for its abillity to reduce joint pain in osteoarthritis sufferers.

What is less well known, is that animal studies have shown that MSM helps prevent cancers of the colon, breast and lymphatic system. In addition to these important health benefits, MSM can improve the condition of your hair and nails too. In a six week double-blind trial, a supplement of 3,000mg a day led to significant improvements in the growth, thickness and brilliance of hair and in the strength, thickness and appearance of nails.

Other ingredients in the formula include Camu-Camu (Myrciaria dubia), an Amazonian rain forest plant, which HSI featured a report on back in February 2003. Its fruits are one of the richest known sources of vitamin C — containing up to 60 times more than the average orange — together with bioflavonoids and other plant chemicals that help vitamin C to work more effectively. Vitamin C can prevent colds and other viral illnesses and shorten the duration of viral respiratory problems.

Cayenne pepper (Capsicum frutescens) is also included in the preparation for its ability to open up the capillaries and improve the flow of blood to the body's tissues, and with it the supply of oxygen and nutrients.

Vitamin E complex has been added for its anti-inflammatory and heart health properties. Vitamin E has recently been shown to be not a single substance but a family of eight molecules (a mixture of tocopherols and tocotrienols) that work together in the body.

Taken together, the whole complex is far more powerful than the vitamin E usually found in supplements, which is just one member of the family, d-alpha tocopherol.

Finally, electrolyte sea minerals help to carry the other nutrients in E3 Renew Me! Emerald Blend rapidly across the cell membranes, so that they can get to work inside your cells.

E3 Renew Me! Emerald Blend is available in powder form and the recommended dosage is one teaspoon a day. There are no known contraindications associated with its use.

Continues below...


63 BREAKTHROUGH Arthritis Solutions... You Won't Hear About From Your Doctor

This groundbreaking research report will help you put an end to your arthritis pain and also help you to discover:

# A breakthrough in electro-magnetic pain relief technology kept secret for 60 years (page 16)

# A 1,000 year old Ayurvedic medicine that improves joint pain, swelling and morning stiffness for 97 per cent of patients (page 18)

# The spiky leaves of a rainforest plant that reduce pain by up to 70 per cent for rheumatoid arthritis sufferers (page 18)

# From the HSI Case Study files: The rose hip remedy that can improve arthritis symptoms in as little as 3 weeks (page 20)

# 'Nature's aspirin' - the natural medicine made from tree bark that's safer and more effective than NSAIDs

# The 10-herb compound that not only reduces joint inflammation, but can also protect your prostate.

Plus more . . . Much more . . . And all explained in no-nonsense, jargon-free language

STOP suffering from Arthritis pain today and order the '63 BREAKTHROUGH Arthritis Solutions'. You will also get a privileged one-time-only 50% discount on the full price.

Click here to learn more:

... and another thing

Green tea is available in a wide range of varieties and can provide many key health benefits - especially if you want to boost your immunity. Studies have shown it is:

1. High in antioxidants: Antioxidants may promote stronger bones, lower cholesterol levels, and lower rates of heart disease and some types of cancer.

2. A good source of EGCG: Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is a polyphenol that helps reduce inflammation, lower cholesterol, prevent cancer, and boost the immune system.

3. Antibacterial: A 2008 study from Egypt suggests that drinking green tea enhances the effects of antibiotics, even against drug-resistant bacteria and "superbugs."

Introduce green tea to your daily regime by substituting a cup of green tea for a cup of coffee, and you will soon be enjoying the health benefits of this delicious beverage!

Until tomorrow,

Francois Lubbe
UK Editor

P.S. Be the first to learn about breakthrough treatments when they surface! With our FREE encyclopaedia, HSI's 100 Greatest Underground Cures, you will soon discover how many underground cures have slipped under the radar of mainstream medicine... In the last few years alone, researchers have unearthed hundreds of new breakthroughs you've never heard about. HSI is the ultimate resource for anyone seeking a better, newer solution to their health problems.

Find out how to access this FREE encyclopaedia by clicking here:


1. J Amer Nutraceut Assoc 2000; 2(3): 50-58.

2. Ann NY Acad Sci 2001; 938: 208-218.

3. J Amer Nutraceut Assoc 2000; 2(3): 59-65.

4. Inflamm Res 1998; 47(8): 334-338.

5. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2000; 277(3): 599-603.

6. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 1996; 8(2): 168-171.

7. Int J Anti-Aging Med 1998; 1(1): 50.

8. Cancer 1988; 62: 944-948.


10. J Manipulative Physiologic Therapy 1999; 22(8): 530-533.

11. Am J Cardiol 2000; 86(12A): 5L-10L.

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