| Dear Reader, You're a pharmaceutical giant. You've got drugs to sell. Sure, you've got to have the studies to back up your claims, right? Those trials can be tricky, can't they? I mean, you never know if a drug is going to turn out to have nasty side effects until you start giving it to a bunch of people. And then where does that get you? Suddenly you've put all of this money into research and development, not to mention the study itself... and it's looking like the drug isn't the miracle product you'd hoped it would be. Guess you'll just have to go back to the drawing board and try again — after all, you can't put a drug out there if it's not really going to help people... Oh, come on! Why let a pesky thing like potential harms get in the way of your bottom line? Just leave them out of the study reports, collect your American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval, and start raking in the dough! And as it turns out, that's exactly what's been happening. A new study analysis, carried out by researchers at the Ottawa University Hospital in Canada, has found an alarming trend in studies of new urological treatments. The team reviewed randomized controlled trials, all published in major urology journals in 1996 and 2004. Most of the trials were on treatments for cancer, urinary problems, or erectile dysfunction. They were looking specifically at harm reporting, using 10 criteria, such as reasons treatment would be stopped. According to the CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) statement, which is a checklist of information experts agree should be included in trial reports, every section of a clinical trial report should include harm reporting. They found that 72 per cent of the trials included information on at least one adverse event. Beyond that, though, something fishy happens. A surprising 20 per cent of the trials do not refer to potential harms anywhere in the article at all. And 18 per cent don't put that information in the study's title or abstract. The abstract is particularly important — many people only look at the abstract when investigating a new treatment, and what harm that treatment can do is essential information — and it looks like it's left out far too often. Without information on potential harms, the researchers point out, "it is impossible to make strong recommendations for or against a treatment." So, doctors and patients are left in the dark as to whether or not a particular treatment is actually any good, and nobody is the wiser. The story here is disturbing enough. But it gets more disturbing when you think about what it could mean for studies done on other kinds of treatments and drugs. I mean, we're fooling ourselves if we thinking this shameful behaviour is limited to urology. So, what's the answer here? Well, for a start, let's stop letting pharmaceutical giants fund their own studies. Drug trials should be completely independent — money is power, and it's become pretty obvious that the temptation is too great for ethically challenged pharmaceutical companies. We've been scammed by these guys for far too long, and the cost is too great. It's time to make a change. Continues below... There's just one way to get all these forbidden remedies FIRST!
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Don't wait years or even decades to get your hands on these FORBIDDEN CURES. Click here and discover these Ultimate Health Secrets shared by an international insider network of doctors. What to do about fluoride in tea
Dr. Jonathan V. Wright: It is true that most instant tea (the kind that comes in tea bags) does contain some fluoride. In fact, according to a study published last year in the American Journal of Medicine, some brands contain nearly 7 parts per million (ppm). To put that in perspective, consider that the maximum level of fluoride "allowed" in drinking water by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is 4 ppm.
"Allowed" or not, even that much isn't safe for human consumption, so the amount present in some teas is indeed cause for concern. However, it's important to keep in mind that this study came about as a result of one woman's experience in developing skeletal fluorosis after drinking two gallons of instant tea per day — hardly an amount recommended by even the staunchest tea advocates.
Of course, there have been countless studies done proving the health benefits of tea, so it really comes down to weighing the risks vs. the benefits. Some brands of tea are lower in fluoride than others — Lipton naturally decaffeinated flow- through bags have around 2 parts per million.
If you want to avoid the fluoride altogether, you may prefer to use green tea extracts instead of teabags. Check with your local natural health food store to see if they carry green tea extract. If not, there are numerous sources available online. Just type "green tea extract" into the search field. You'll get hundreds of results to choose from. Bear in mind we are not addressing anyone's personal situation and you should rely on this for informational purposes only. Please consult with your own doctor before acting on any recommendations contained herein. Wishing you the best of health,
Andrew Miller UK Editor P.S. In the latest issue of Nutrition & Healing, Dr Jonathan V. Wright tells you about the serious health threat lurking behind 'cosmetic conditions' like thinning hair and chipped nails. Also, learn about the mysterious disease that could cripple you – and the herbal treatment that works better than drugs. Plus, the alternative remedy that could help you reclaim back your bedroom. All new members who sign up will receive important updates like these in addition to receiving Dr. Wright's 7 Volume Library of Natural Healing. Click here for full details. Sources: "Urology treatment studies often leave out bad news," Reuters (www.reuters.com) Your customer number is: 000052221104
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