Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The doctor trying to discredit omega-3's health benefits

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In Today's Issue

6 July 2010

  • 85% of cancers are entirely avoidable
  • The doctor trying to discredit omega-3's health benefits

  • Little-known forbidden remedies that can change your life today!

85% of Cancers are Entirely Avoidable

*** The World Health Organisation (WHO) has revealed that 85 per cent of adult cancers are entirely avoidable and, of these, around half are related to nutritional deficiencies in the Western diet.

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  • ..And that's just generally eating well...

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    The Doctor Trying to Discredit Omega-3's Health Benefits

    Dear Reader,

    Be glad you don't have Dr. David Jenkins job.

    Dr. Jenkins is a professor of nutrition at the University of Toronto, in Canada, and he's concerned that certain global fish stocks (such as yellow fin tuna) will very likely collapse by mid-century if we keep consuming them at our current rate.

    But Dr. Jenkins has decided on a bizarre strategy to save the fish: He wants to convince us that consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids might not be as beneficial as virtually every reputable nutritionist in the world claims they are.

    How do you suppose THAT plan is going to work out?

    The Canadian newspapers seem to do their part to support Dr. Jenkins. For starters, one report leads with this title: "Health Benefits of Fish Overblown, Researchers Say." And in paragraph one, consumption of omega-3 fatty acids is called a "recent craze."

    Note to media moguls: Lady GaGa is a recent craze. Omega-3 fatty acids have been giving humans health benefits for eons.

    Tough sell

    In a Canadian Medical Association Journal article, Dr. Jenkins and his colleagues actually undercut their basic argument with a long section detailing the benefits of omega-3 intake. Then they counter that with some highly suspect "evidence" that omega-3 may not be so hot.

    For instance: One study shows that men with angina may be harmed by omega-3 intake. (Until we get a few more studies about this specific group of patients, we'll file this one under "Jury Still Out.")

    Dr. Jenkins also notes that people who eat two or three servings of fish each week tend to follow other healthy habits, so if they stopped eating fish and taking fish oil supplements they would probably be just fine.

    Well... no. That's just simply holding the wrong end of the stick...

    Toward the end of the newspaper article, we find this note: "For those who want to have the benefits of fish oil and avoid the environmental harm, Dr. Jenkins suggests some alternatives."

    Wait..."benefits of fish oil"? I thought those benefits were just an "overblown" craze?

    Well, never mind that. Let's look at the alternatives. Dr. Jenkins notes that DHA omega-3 is currently produced from algae for use in infant formula. The problem there is that it's DHA without EPA — fish oil provides both of these key fatty acids.

    Here's another suggestion from the article: "Major corporations are also working on genetically modified yeast and plants that could serve as factories for the synthesis of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, including eicosapentaenoic acid [EPA]."

    Sorry, Dr. Jenkins you lost me at "major corporations" and I ran for the hills at "genetically modified yeast and plants."

    You've got to give Team Jenkins points for trying, because they do mean well. They just want to save these very important fish species. I'm all for that. But fishermen are going to fish, and fish distributors are going to distribute, and fish eaters are going to eat. Try as Dr. Jenkins might, I can't see how he's going to halt a cycle that's been turning for centuries.

    But he should stop right now trying to convince us that omega-3s are nutritionally insignificant. That fish is never going to fly.

    Continues below...

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    ...and another thing

    If you've ever hoisted a child up and held him in the crook of your arm, you know where his face goes: in your face, nuzzling your neck, and (if you're lucky) on your shoulder when he finally falls asleep.

    But that tender moment could take a very unhealthy turn if the child comes into contact with a testosterone-boosting medication.

    Testosterone gel is used to treat the symptoms of andropause — also known as male menopause. For men who find they're moody, low on energy, lacking sex drive, or experiencing memory loss, testosterone gel raises levels of the hormone, which may restore general vitality.

    But fathers and grandfathers who use testosterone gel need to be aware that the medication may cause a "virilisation" of children and women who come into contact with the gel.

    The American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) now requires the manufacturers of two prescription testosterone gel products — AndroGel 1 per cent and Testim 1 per cent — to include a black box warning with the packaging of their medications.

    The warning alerts consumers to the dangers of secondary exposure to the powerful hormone, which is typically spread on the shoulders or upper arms daily.

    The FDA reports that several young children have suffered adverse effects when they came into contact with the drug being used by adults. This exposure has caused inappropriate enlargement of genitalia in boys and girls, advanced bone age, aggressive behaviour, and other disturbing symptoms in children aged nine months to five years.

    Instructions packaged with the drugs clearly state that precautions should be taken so that other people avoid contact with the gel.

    In 2007, nearly two million prescriptions were written for testosterone gel products. Most of those prescriptions are filled by men, but some doctors prescribe the gel "off label" for women.

    To Your Good Health,

    Jenny Thompson
    HSI Director

    P.S. This month's Health Sciences Institute (HSI) newsletter will tell you about the all-natural formula set to succeed against infections where antibiotics have failed. You'll also discover how to give yourself a 74 per cent chance of survival from sudden cardiac arrest. Plus we'll give you full details on how a substance found in broccoli could revolutionise the way we tackle cancer.

    All new members who sign up to the Health Sciences Institute will receive the latest issue of HSI along with a FREE encyclopaedia, HSI's 100 Greatest Underground Cures... Soon you'll discover why our premium members believe HSI is the ultimate resource for anyone seeking a better, newer solution to their health problems.

    Click here for full details.

    "Are Dietary Recommendations For the Use of Fish Oils Sustainable?" Canadian Medical Association Journal, Vol. 180, No. 6, 3/17/09

    "Health Benefits of Fish Overblown, Researchers Say" Martin Mittelstaedt, The Globe and Mail, 3/17/09, theglobeandmail.com

    "Testosterone Gel Safety Concerns Prompt FDA to Require Label Changes, Medication Guide" FDA News, 5/7/09, fda.gov

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