Tuesday, July 26, 2011

About Yoga: Hatha Yoga Explained

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From Ann Pizer, your Guide to Yoga
Hatha yoga can be used to mean any physical manifestation of yoga practice, but that's not a very useful definition when you see a hatha class listed on the schedule at your yoga studio. Below are some links that explain more about hatha yoga, including a brand-new video.

What is Hatha Yoga?
This video features Swami Ramananda of the Integral Yoga Institute in New York City discussing what to expect from a hatha yoga class, yoga history, and the benefits of yoga.

Integral Yoga
More about Integral yoga, a style that appeals to those who want an approach that addresses their whole life, including the physical, spiritual, intellectual, and interpersonal relationships.

What's Your Yoga Type?
Are you a gym rat, a spiritual seeker, or a free spirit? Get a recommendation for your yoga type that's based on your personality traits
See More About:  vinyasa  yoga classes  yoga styles

Raise Your Hands in the Air Like You Just Don't Care
Ever have a day when you think don't have time to do yoga? If you're anything like me, it happens all the time. So I've got great news for you: you don't have to set aside a full 90 minutes to do yoga. You can just do one pose. Now, there are lots of great candidates for the coveted position of being your one and only pose, but I'd like to suggest a humble urdhva hastasana for your consideration. It's got two things going for it. First, you can jump out of bed and get right into it. Second, it's a great stretch for your whole body. If you've got an extra two minutes, you can follow it up with an easy forward bend. Inhale your arms to stretch upwards, exhale to reach down to your toes and you've got a vinyasa. Now check yoga off your to-do list and get on with your day.


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Ann Pizer
Yoga Guide
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