| Dear Reader, The last thing you want to do when you're dealing with a major health problem is up your risk of a second major health problem. But too often, that's exactly what we're asked to do by mainstream medicine. Take the recent finding about a commonly used type of blood pressure medication. It turns out that those who are fighting to gain control over their heart health through the use of ACE inhibitors face an unexpected risk: if they have a history of breast cancer, they're at a raised risk of recurrence of the cancer. The study was published online in the journal Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, and the researchers themselves admitted they found the results surprising. Not too reassuring, if you ask me. Because I'm not surprised — we've seen far too many similar cases of a drug opening up the body to potentially devastating effects. Working on a database of 1,779 women with early stage breast cancer who were treated and then followed for eight years, the researchers found that women who were taking ACE inhibitors had a shocking 56 per cent increased risk of recurrence of the cancer. Of course, that's not enough for them to suggest women stop taking the drugs. We'd never want that, would we? So what was the solution proposed by the researchers in this study? MORE drugs, of course! They found that certain beta-blockers reduce the risk of recurring breast cancer (though the findings weren't statistically significant, they say they were "going in the right direction") and suggest that women take ACE inhibitors and beta blockers together. Never mind the fact that beta-blockers are associated with dizziness and hyperkalaemia (which can lead to kidney failure). You can just take more drugs to cancel those risks out, right?! Continues below... Tomorrows Groundbreaking Cancer Breakthroughs… TODAY
352 Britons are dying from cancer each day, 1500 Americans and a shocking 5479 Chinese…
More than $200 Billion is being spent each year on the fight against cancer. Yet incidences of cancer continue to rise.
Mainstream drugs companies and pharmaceutical giants are losing the war on cancer... ** Learn how to start fighting the war on cancer yourself **
** Discover the powerful antioxidant that – unlike chemotherapy – encourages the death of cancerous cells while leaving healthy cells intact ** The incredible anti-cancer actions linked to mushrooms. ** Find out how to overcome cancer-related fatigue. Plus 53 more cancer busting strategies to help you and your loved ones with the fight. Is real snake oil a scam?
Q: Hearing people call natural medicine "snake oil" has made me curious — where did this whole idea come from?
Dr. Jonathan V. Wright: Those who use this phrase like to think they're so modern and so, so scientific, but what they're really doing is exposing their ignorance and unwillingness to investigate the facts.
While the term snake oil is often used to indicate a hoax or fraudulent medicine, snake oil itself has been used for centuries in China (and in North America during the 19th century) as a treatment for pain, especially joint pain. And the facts behind this ancient remedy should shame those smug naysayers.
My colleague Dr. Richard Kunin, exploded the snake oil myth nearly 20 years ago in a 1989 letter to the Western Journal of Medicine. Dr. Kunin did the obvious; he actually had snake oil tested. Here's what he found:
* Chinese water snake oil contained 19.4 per cent eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and 4.4 per cent linolenic acid.
* California black rattlesnake oil contained 9.7 per cent linolenic acid, 4.7 per cent arachadonic acid, and 4.1 per cent EPA.
* Arizona red rattlesnake contained 20.8 per cent linolenic acid, 12.8 per cent arachadonic acid, and 5.4 per cent docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
Long-time readers know the many health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids (such as EPA, DHA, and linolenic acid), including reduced risks of cancer and cardiovascular disease.
Dr. Kunin wrote, 'It is not unusual that an ancient remedy or a folk medicine turns out to have some merit. What is unusual is that this particular therapy, snake oil, has long been a favourite symbol of quackery. Perhaps our ancestors were wiser than we could appreciate when they wrapped a snake around the staff of Aesclepius.'
So the next time you hear someone getting all worked up and inflamed about alternative medicine, pass him (or her) some Chinese water snake oil it has the most anti-inflammatory content! Bear in mind we are not addressing anyone's personal situation and you should rely on this for informational purposes only. Please consult with your own doctor before acting on any recommendations contained herein. Wishing you the best of health, Andrew Miller UK Editor Nutrition and Healing P.S. In the latest issue of Nutrition & Healing, Dr. Wright will tell you about the shocking link between osteoarthritis and type 2 diabetes! Plus you'll learn about the one herb you shouldn't go without when undergoing chemotherapy. Plus, Dr. Wright will also provide more information about his new book, which is a 'do-it-yourself' guide to natural medicine and optimal wellness. All new members who sign up will receive important updates like these in addition to receiving Dr. Wright's 7 Volume Library of Natural Healing. Click here for full details. Sources:
"ACE Inhibitors Seem to Raise Risk of Breast Cancer Recurrence," Medline Plus (nlm.nih.gov) Your customer number is: 000052221104
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