Tuesday, June 14, 2011

About Bipolar Disorder: When Helpful Isn't Helpful

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Bipolar Disorder

Symptoms / Diagnosis


Coping and Support

From Marcia Purse, your Guide to Bipolar Disorder

When It's Meant to be Helpful - But Isn't
If I'm in the middle of a depressive episode with severe fatigue, the last thing I need is for some friend to suggest bracingly, "You should join an aerobics class!" Sure, that friend means to be helpful. Sure, exercise would help my depression. But even small efforts exhaust me, and it's tough for me even to run essential errands. How much more helpful it would be if that friend had said, "Here, I'll go to the grocery store with you, and I'll drive." Read more about this and share your own thoughts.

Kids of Depressed Moms Do Better With Day Care
In an Australian study, though children of mothers with recurring depression were found to be 4 times more likely than others to have significant behavior problems, being in day care made a big difference in the development of those problems. Here's the full story.
See More About:  parenting with bipolar disorder 

How Family Can Help
Here's a series of articles from community members who talk about what they really need from their families in terms of support. You might see your own needs in some of these. You might even want to print a page or two out to give to family members. Read How Family Can Help.
See More About:  family problems  family support 

Huge Fine for Guilty Risperdal Manufacturer
Johnson & Johnson was found guilty of "engaging in unfair or deceptive acts." Subsidiary Janssen Pharmaceuticals is said to have downplayed the risk of patients developing diabetes while taking Risperdal, and also of trying to market the drug to doctors for uses beyond what it's actually effective for. Read the story.
See More About:  risperdal  drug lawsuits  diabetes


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Marcia Purse
Bipolar Disorder Guide
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