Monday, June 13, 2011

About Stress Management: Have A Good Day! (Here's How...)

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From Elizabeth Scott, M.S., your Guide to Stress Management
How often do you have a really good day--you know, the kind where everything seems to go right, and you enjoy virtually every minute of it? This newsletter is designed to help you create more really good days for yourself, and to make your "bad days" better. I invite you to share your own tips for making your days good, either in the article listed below, or on the Facebook Page About Stress Management, and have a really good day. -Elizabeth Scott

How To Have A Good Day
Good days don't always "just happen." Or at least they don't need to. In fact, if you wait around for all the elements of a good day to present themselves naturally, your good days may be fewer and farther between than they could be. By analyzing and proactively aligning the main elements of a good day for yourself, you can create more good days, and you can make your bad days better. Here are my recommendations for doing just that.
See More About:  good day  happiness  low stress lifestyle

What's a Good Day For You? How Do You Create One?
While certain general rules apply, everyone has their own unique idea of what constitutes the ideal day, or what the minimum requirements are of having a day that can be considered "good." We all have our own best ways of ensuring a good day. What is your definition of a good day, and how do you attain one? Share your best tips, and see what other readers have to say.
See More About:  good day  positive psychology  user answers

How to Turn Around a Bad Day
Why does a bad morning so often lead to an entire day gone bad? And what can you do to turn around a bad day? Plenty, actually. Here are some proven strategies for changing the course of a bad day, and turning a difficult day into a much better one. Have a good day!

Fun Stress Polls: Weigh In And Check Public Opinion!
How much sleep do you get? How cluttered is your home? (And everyone else's?) If you had to choose between less stress, more money, or more sex, which would you choose? Relieve stress by taking a few minutes to ask yourself some fun questions, and compare answers with thousands of others. Here are a few of my favorite stress polls, some with surprising answers. See if you can guess what people will say!


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This newsletter is written by:
Elizabeth Scott, M.S.
Stress Management Guide
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