Thursday, November 3, 2011

Women shun hormone treatments and mammograms

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3 November 2011

UK Edition

Dear Reader,

Mainstream doctors are wringing their hands over the fact that women are not only shunning hormone replacement therapy; they're also shunning mammograms.

A new study finds that declining use of hormone therapy (HT) by women between the ages of 50 and 64 is linked to those same women getting fewer mammograms.

When HT was linked with breast cancer, use of the therapy declined between 2000 and 2005. A couple of doctors from the National Cancer Institute made the connection that women who use HT tend to also get mammograms at a higher rate, and decided to investigate what the drop in HT use might mean for mammograms.

They found that the two are indeed linked — and attributed it to women missing reminders from their doctors since they were no longer going in to renew HT prescriptions.

So it's just that those silly women are forgetting their mammograms, is it?

..Or maybe they're Nutrition and Healing readers. The study doesn't say anything about asking women whether they're making use of the newer — and much safer — methods of breast cancer screening that are out there. The way I see it, women are getting wise to the harmful treatments that have been pushed on them for so long and are saying, "No more."

Those same women who are seeking alternatives to HT are probably the same women who are making use of cutting edge techniques that the mainstream is ignoring.

I mean, it wasn't that long ago that I wrote to tell you about the science-based recommendation to cut back on mammograms that had the mainstream in an uproar. So, there's one reason women who are interested in alternatives might back off mammograms in favour of new methods.

So, maybe women are making a choice to take their health into their own hands — a choice to seek out alternatives to the harmful offerings of the mainstream.

Continues below...
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Herbal treatment for Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Q: I've been trying to research as much information as I can on alternative ADHD treatments. Can you tell me about some herbal options?

Dr Jonathan V. Wright: The Ayurvedic herb Bacopa is considered to be the herbal remedy for ADHD, mainly because of its beneficial effects on concentration and information processing. In one double blind, placebo-controlled trial, 19 children with ADHD received Bacopa (1g/day), and 17 children with ADHD received a placebo.

After just three months, the Bacopa group demonstrated significant improvement compared to the placebo group in all test areas, including improved visual motor function, short- term memory, and mental reaction times. The testing took place four weeks after the herbal treatment was stopped, which indicates that Bacopa has a long-lasting effect.

Other key herbs for ADHD include ginseng (either American or Korean ginseng) and Ginkgo biloba. A small pilot study showed that a combination of Ginkgo standardized extract and American ginseng had positive effects in children with ADHD.

You should also consider adding pure pine bark extract to the herbal regimen. A study a few years back found that giving ADHD children a pine bark extract significantly improved hyperactivity and inattention compared to a placebo. From what I've read, it seems to be another powerful natural alternative to mainstream drugs.
Bear in mind we are not addressing anyone's personal situation and you should rely on this for informational purposes only. Please consult with your own physician before acting on any recommendations contained herein.

Wishing you the best of health,

Andrew Miller
UK Editor
Nutrition and Healing

P.S. In the latest issue of Nutrition & Healing, Dr. Wright explains how to read your body's blueprint for treating – or preventing – depression... We'll also tell you what the best proven remedy is against winter infections... don't be unprepared! You'll also learn about the five unexpected benefits of vitamin A... plus much, much more...

All new members who sign up will receive important updates like these in addition to receiving Dr. Wright's 7 Volume Library of Natural Healing.

Read here for full details.


"A Double-blind Placebo-controlled Pilot Study of Sublingual Feverfew and Ginger (LipiGesic™M) in the Treatment of Migraine," Medscape (

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