Monday, December 19, 2011

About Panic Disorder: Dealing With Unwanted Negative Thoughts

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Panic Disorder

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From Katharina Star, your Guide to Panic Disorder
Negative thinking is a common issue for people with mood and anxiety-related conditions, including panic disorder. Negative thoughts often contribute to feelings of sadness, low self-esteem, and fear. Having these types of thoughts can become an unwanted pattern of constant anxiety and negativity. However, it is possible to cope with panic and overcome these thinking patterns.

Jumping to Conclusions
When jumping to conclusions, we are assuming that the worst is going to happen. This type of thinking can occur when we start "mind-reading" by believing that others are negatively evaluating us. Jumping to conclusions can also occur when we are "fortune-telling" or predicting an unfavorable future outcome. Learn more about this common negative thinking pattern and ways to defeat it.

Discounting the Positive
When falling for this form of negative thinking, we are ignoring our personal accomplishments and disregarding our positive attributes. Discounting the positive often appears when we are being complimented by others or recognized for our achievements. Instead of feeling flattered or honored, we attribute our good qualities and successes to luck or chance. People who always discount the positive never really experience a healthy sense of pride or satisfaction. Here you will find examples of and ways to overcome this faulty thinking pattern.

Overgeneralization is another common type of negative thinking that frequently occurs among people with panic disorder. When we overgeneralize, we view the smallest setbacks as a never-ending cycle of defeat or failure. We may take one disappointment and turn it into broad generalizations about our lives or personalities. It often surfaces in statements that include the words "always" or "never." For example, after experiencing a panic attack, you may think to yourself, " I will always be anxious" or "I will never get over my anxiety." Find out more about how to get past the habit of overgeneralizing.

Labeling occurs when we believe that one of our weaknesses determines who we are as a person. For instance, when you have made a mistake, you may think to yourself, "I am so stupid for doing this wrong." Many people with panic disorder and anxiety issues negatively label themselves as "crazy," "neurotic," or "emotional." Labeling often only contributes to poor self-image and higher levels of anxiety. Learn how you can get a grip on labeling.


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Katharina Star
Panic Disorder Guide
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Diagnosis of Panic Disorder
Symptoms of Panic Disorder
Coping with Panic Attacks
Treatment & Talking with Your Doctor
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