Thursday, February 3, 2011

The serious health threat lurking in your local supermarket

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3 February 2011

UK Edition

Dear Reader,

It lurks in nearly every aisle of our local supermarket.

And it could be killing your chances of becoming a parent or grandparent.

It sounds dramatic, I know. But a five-year study funded by the US National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health has drawn some pretty disturbing conclusions about the effect of bisphenol-A (BPA) on reproductive health.

Specifically, compared to men without detectable levels of BPA in their urine, men with detectable levels had:

- more than twice the risk of lower sperm motility
- more than three times the risk of lowered sperm concentration and lower sperm virility
- and more than FOUR times the risk of a lower sperm count

As levels rise, sexual function drops further.

Oh, and it's estimated that 90 per cent of Americans have detectable levels of BPA in their bodies.

So, yeah, pretty scary stuff. Of course, I should note that the study in question concerned factory workers who generally have a much higher exposure to BPA than consumers, but the research team found the troubling connection even in men with exposure comparable to that of men in the general US population.

How do you stay away from something that's in... well, just about everything you come into contact with during your daily life?

Sure, BPA is currently something of a hot issue, with an increasing number of products sporting labels proclaiming they're BPA free.

But it's still used in packaging most of the canned foods on the supermarket store shelves, and it still lurks in the plastics many people use to store food (look for the number 7 recycling label). In fact, it's a building block for most plastic products.

Then there's the matter of how long it's taken the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to even start admitting BPA was a problem. Back in 2006, the Nutrition & Healing team put out an e-Tip alerting readers to the dangers, but even now the FDA won't ban the chemical (and got themselves sued because of it). Instead, they've pledged millions of dollars for research at clarifying just how bad BPA is. Thing is, we've already got a pretty good idea.

Canada has already declared the stuff a toxic substance. Meanwhile, here in the United States, Senator Diane Feinstein from California has tried — and failed — to have new restrictions placed on the chemical.

Of course, it can be kind of tough to bring down an industry that rakes in billions of dollars a year.

Continues below...

Prostate Cancer:

If you're male and over 40 you MUST read this!

Statistics show that men have a 1 in 3 chance of developing a prostate disease at some time in their lives... For an unlucky 1 in 13, that disease will be cancer...

Prostate cancer is one of the UK's biggest killers. If you or your loved one is in this age group you must act NOW.

Each year 40,000 men undergo painful surgery. This leaves many incontinent, impotent and infertile! Going under the knife is not a solution…

Stop yourself becoming another statistic click through now.

Laxative-free relief for constipation

Q: I can't believe I'm even writing this, but I'm getting desperate. For weeks now, I've been constipated. I'm so uncomfortable. I don't like taking laxatives, but I don't know what else to do. What else can I try?

Dr. Jonathan V. Wright: While constipation isn't a popular topic of conversation, it is, nevertheless, an important subject that could mean a world of difference to your overall health. And the first thing I always remind my patients suffering from this problem is that constipation is not caused by an Ex-Lax deficiency!

One of the most widespread causes of constipation is insufficient fibre in the diet. Increasing dietary fibre with foods like carrots, beans, and whole grains is a good starting point. Supplemental forms of fibre, including oat bran, wheat bran, and psyllium, are all available at natural health food stores. Psyllium is widely used, and can be found as whole or ground seeds or sometimes as a powder. A daily dose of 1 to 2 tablespoons dissolved in water is usually sufficient.

Essential fatty acids can also help relieve constipation, since they are the precursor material to hormones called prostaglandins, which help to regulate bowel function. Flax oil is the best option, and 1 to 1 1/2 tablespoons daily is usually enough to help. To help prevent the essential fatty acids from oxidizing too rapidly, you should also take additional vitamin E (400 units daily) along with them.

For people age 60 and older, additional folic acid may be helpful in reducing constipation. Six to eight 800- microgram (the largest quantity available in natural health food stores) tablets per day, taken for several weeks can offer significant relief. Folic acid should be accompanied by 1,000 to 2,000 micrograms of extra vitamin B12 per day.

Two other common causes of constipation, especially as we grow older, are hypochlorhydria (lack of stomach acid) and insufficient production of digestive enzymes.
Bear in mind we are not addressing anyone's personal situation and you should rely on this for informational purposes only. Please consult with your own doctor before acting on any recommendations contained herein.

Wishing you the best of health,

Andrew Miller
UK Editor
Nutrition and Healing

P.S. In the latest issue of Nutrition & Healing, Dr Jonathan V. Wright uncovers the surprise cause of childhood asthma... and provides a helpful list of essential nutrients for eliminating the disease. This is a must read for anyone who has a grandchild with asthma. Also, learn how peppermint oil can clear your head and help relieve tension headaches. Plus, find out more about the latest research on the first mineral "scientifically proven" to stimulate the growth of new bone.

All new members who sign up will receive important updates like these in addition to receiving Dr. Wright's 7 Volume Library of Natural Healing.

Click here for full details.


"Plastics Chemical BPA Tied to Poor Sperm Quality," MedlinePlus (

"The U.S. Senate might get a chance to do the right thing during the lame duck session and ban BPA in baby bottles and sippy cups. We urge Senate action," Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (

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