Friday, January 13, 2012

About Women's Health: Healthy Hair Throughout Your Lifetime

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We all know that hair begins to turn gray as we get older, but that's really just the beginning of the changes hair undergoes through the decades. Learn how hair changes, and how you can keep it looking healthy.

How Aging Affects Your Hair
In a strange swap of gender roles, as we get older, men tend to lose hair on their heads while women may notice hair appearing on their neck and face. Why does this happen?

Any Natural Remedies for Gray Hair?
Besides using hair coloring, you may be wondering if there are less caustic methods to slow or mask your gray hair. Here's the answer.
See More About:  gray hair  fo-ti  ayurvedic types

Recommended Hairstyles by Decade
As we get older, our hair texture can radically change, and the same hairstyle of yesteryear may no longer be practical.

Hairstyles on Women Over 50
If you're feeling resigned to short and set, don't. This gallery may inspire you to mix it up a little for a more refreshed style.


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